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RE: Five Years On Hive!

I'm so happy you are here.
I don't always have time to comment or check in, my kids are great at distracting me. But I love what you create, in every sense of the world. What a journey Hive is, finding these amazing communities full of amazing people. Connecting in ways, I never thought possible. Learning so much along the way. Here's to many more years of growing together xxxx


My dear and beautiful soulsister friend, @trucklife-family - I am so glad too that you are here, and that you live this glorious wild, free and healthy life that you live - and that you share it so generously and abundantly: I never thought it would be possible to transmit and interconnect in the ways that we do here on Hive: it is a powerful magic we are co-creating... I so look forward to how we expand on this - and to meeting up one day!!!!
LOVE to you and yours, and thank you for your enthusiastic support 😍