MONOMAD CHALLENGE: Look down: ants at work [ENG-ESP]

in Black And White2 months ago



Ants are something impressive. We already know that they are animals that can lift several times their own weight. I took these photos on the perimeter wall. I tried to figure out what they were carrying, but could not. Obviously I didn't dare take it off to find out. My eyes were not enough.

But another thing to marvel at is their ability to not get in the way of others. They move in total harmony, even at a greater volume than they showed this day. In my teenage years I learned that they communicate through their antennae and can achieve synchronization like this. It seems to me that this is a good example of teamwork and good communication.

Never got to check it out, but I was taught that when I saw a line of these animals moving I should avoid hindering or obstructing that route with things like leaves or sticks, because that would disorient them a bit and they would take a while to get back on track. Who knows. But I didn't want to find out and respected those routes.

The high temperatures are also a factor that makes us admire them. I don't think these are one of those, but I do know that there is a class of ants that survive in extreme arid climates because they dissipate heat by the design of their body. But these ones were working in considerable temperature, and they are not wearing any footwear to help them.

I liked to take these photos in black and white because I find them more interesting, highlighting their shape. What do you think?


Las hormigas son algo impresionante. Ya sabemos con son animales que pueden alzar varias veces más su propio peso. Éstas fotos las tomé en el muro perimetral. Traté de descifrar lo que cargaban, pero no pudo. Obviamente no me atreví a quitársela para averiguarlo. Mis ojos no fueron suficientes.

Pero otra de las cosas que maravillan es su capacidad de no entorpecer el paso de los demás. Se trasladan en total armonía, incluso en un volumen mayor que el que mostraban éste día. En mis años de adolescencia aprendí que ellas se comunican a través de sus antenas y pueden lograr sincronización como estas. Me parece que es un buen ejemplo de trabajo en equipo y buena comunicación.

Nunca pudo comprobarlo, pero me enseñaron a que cuando viera una fila de estos animales moviéndose debía evitar entorpecer u obstaculizar esa ruta con cosas como hojas o palos, porque eso las desorientaría un poco y tardarían en retomar la ruta. Quien sabe. Pero yo no quise averiguarlo y respeté esa rutas.

Las altas temperaturas también es un factor que hace que las admiremos. No creo que éstas sean de esas, pero sí sé que existen una clase de hormigas que sobreviven en climas extremos áridos gracias a que disipan el calor por el diseño de su cuerpo. Pero éstas estaban trabajando en una temperatura considerable, y no llevan algún calzado que las ayude.

Me gustó llevar éstas fotos a blanco y negro porque las encuentro más interesantes, destacando su forma. ¿Qué opinas?


Banner 2022.jpg


Images: Made by me in GIMP with images captured with my Canon EOS Rebel t3i camera.
Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site
Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

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I have been seeing a lot of these little things running around lately. I had never seen so many of them before, all running around carrying little bits of leaves. Made me realise how quickly spring is coming and how unprepared I am.

Oh, I saw a wild scorpion last night. Looking forward to trying to photograph those (and not dying in the process).

Well, you're right, animals like that are so well designed that they also serve as a reference for the seasons. Yes, you have to be prepared. Greetings @namiks

Que fascinante son las fotografías en blanco y negro, para mí tienen un valor muy especial ❤️

Sin duda, adquieren un tono diferente y nos encanta. Gracias por pasar por aquí. Saludos @naath

El mundo de las hormigas es muy fascinante, y tus fotos muy entretenidas!.

Excellent photo! A strong and organizated community around the queen