Monomad - Flower close ups

in Black And White4 months ago (edited)

art and photography-5.png

Hi incredible photo-loving peeps!

Its been a little bit of a crazy couple of weeks for my little family, we are moving at the end of this month and are basically living in (and out of) boxes at the moment...

So as a happy Friday moment, I wanted to share some fun black-n-white snaps of incredible flowers🥀




I had an absolute blast editing this last photograph, it is one of my favourite snaps Ive got in a while and I would love to have this printing nice and big on my office wall! I hope you all like these photos!


Have a fantastic weekend, smell some flowers, breathe in some fresh air and give yourself some time to relax. Thank you for popping by.

PS. this is my #monomad challenge entry

My Post.png

All photographs are copyrighted to the author

Photography instagram:


I hope you get settled soon!

Thank you so much!😄