Monomad: Sweet stingers

I have some macro photos submitted to the current #monomad challenge. This tropical paper wasp was caught in the nest while walking in a local forest about two weeks ago. Everyone thinks that wasps are fierce insects because they have venomous stings, but they are actually cute animals. Yes, they are being nice as long as you don't disturb their habitat. At least I have proven that when taking pictures. There may be an assumption that it is just a coincidence. But I believe that it is not a coincidence. I never intended to disturb them. Just that!











All of the images here are my own work, taken with Xiaomi POCO NFC smartphone and an assembled external macro lens.


Cute little things minding their own business.

Great shots. I bet they don't mind you taking their pictures.

Thanks. Yeah, they don't seem to mind me taking pictures 😄

I really like the choice of black and white which is not too dark, it makes the image more beautiful. I have a lot to learn from you

That depends on the background. If it's dark it will look better. Thanks for the kind words. You can learn from anyone.

Wow, amazing details! I love how we can see the structure of their compound eyes. Cool thing they don't sting while you take the photos. Lovely sequence of the wasp going about its own business.

Cool thing they don't sting while you take the photos.

Maybe it's because I have a special spell, but I don't want to tell you. LOL

Thanks for stopping by, have a nice day! 😉


How does the external macro lens work?

Well it work on my Huawei Mate 10 Lite?

How does the external macro lens work? Well it work on my Huawei Mate 10 Lite?

I have an external macro lens for my phone. It was a home industry product, and the results were excellent even when shot on a mobile phone. I bought it on the IG market for IDR 500,000, or around USD $33. It can be used on all smartphones; you only need to attach it to the rear camera. Sorry, I'm late to reply 🙂

Screenshot (76).png

Ahan thanks