Monomad: Qanun & Piano Duo [EN & TR]

in Black And Whitelast year (edited)

I started the day with a nice concert this morning in Istanbul. For a concert, 11:00 AM is maybe a little early. I could see people who had just woken up in the audience :)
You know what the piano is, but I would like to say a few words about the other instrument, the Qanun. Qanun is a historical instrument dating back to Mesopotamia. It is frequently used in Greek, Turkish and Arabic music.

Bu sabah İstnbul'da güne güzel bir konserle başladım. Bir konser için, saat olarak 11:00 AM belki biraz erken. Dinleyiciler arasında yeni uyanmış insanları görebiliyordum :)
Piyanonun ne olduğunu biliyorsunuzdur ama diğer enstrüman olan Kanun hakkında bir kaç şey söylemek isterim. Kanun, tarihi Mezopotamyaya kadar dayanan tarihi bir çalgıdır. Yunan, Türk ve Arap müziğinde sık sık kullanılır.

I listened to piano and qanun together for the first time. It was an interesting and good experience. Compositions and performances were very strong

Ben ilk defa piyano ve qanunu birlikte dinledim. Enteresan ve güzel bir deneyimdi. Besteler ve icralar çok güçlüydü

I took the photographs with Sony A7S and Samyang 24mm and Sony 50mm f/1.8 lense. I hope you will like it :)

Fotoğrafları Sony A7S ve Samyang 24mm ve Sony 50mm f/1.8 lens ilee çektim. Umarım beğenirsiniz :)

I forgot to mention in the article :)
Esra Berkmen played the qanunu and Lilian Tonella Tuzun played the piano.

Yazıda belirtmeyi unutmuşum :) Kanunu çalan Esra Berkmen, piyanoyu çalan da Lilian Tonella Tüzün'dü


Beautiful photos, there seems to be a very relaxed air from what they express, was that right? :)

yes :) I guess you mean Turkey?

I imagine that Turkey is very beautiful, but I wanted to describe the emotion that your photos give me. You know, sometimes I just get confused with the words by myself, maybe that's why :D.

 last year  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thanks I'm honored :)

Your second photo is my favorite; it has a great shooting angle, and the pianist appears to be quite talented.

Thank you so much. The pianist was very talented. In the second photo, which is your favourite, she was playing the piano standing up. She wasn't pressing the keys of the piano, she was playing music with chord strings. Like a harp :) It was very good

I want to congratulate you once more.
Hope to be able to do that as well :)

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