The Fifteen-year-old Boy - Monomad

in Black And White3 months ago

Many of you have probably heard about this Latin American tradition of celebrating our children's 15th birthday in a special way. Part of that celebration is to have a photoshoot to remember this moment forever. For this reason, I welcomed this boy with obvious modeling skills to the studio for a session that he'll recall for the rest of his life. We did the initial part in a park that's nearby, on 23rd Avenue, just before the entrance to the Almendares Bridge, in the neighborhood of El Vedado. There I think we got some very interesting shots, helped by the unique architecture of this place. Then we moved back to the studio to continue with more classic, but equally elegant shots. I hope you enjoy this very recent work, which we enjoyed to the fullest. Best regards!


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot for the support! 🙏👌👍

Nice picture bro Please I have a question. A picture taken normally and later edited with phone filters called a black and white picture?

Thank you so much! Very kind of you. About your question, yes you can take your photos with your phone and then edit them in the computer and turn into black and white

Thanks man
What if you use your phone filters not computer editing features?

Probably there should a way right on the phone. That depends on your phone, but I'm sure there's one

Thanks man.
You are just too kind. Thanks