On The Streets

in Black And White2 months ago

I live on the outskirts of a big city and often walk to the center. The suburbs are boring, city life pulsates especially in the centre.

Walking downtown means two things to me. Coffee and photography. Coffee at the cafe and photography on the street. I like to photograph on the street, I like to photograph passers-by and buildings—ancient ones.

It's summer days in Bucharest now. A much too early summer, a summer that came two months early, to everyone's joy. On weekends the city is invaded by people walking and looking for places to relax and have fun...


Looking at the people on the street you think it's summer, and yet, it's only mid-April, i.e. spring has just started!



This summer too early is not a good thing and may herald two things. Either a summer that will be hot or a return to early spring cold before too long. These were the concerns I had around a cup of coffee...




Coffee and rest are nice but the street is more interesting.






Victory Avenue is my favorite boulevard in Bucharest. I chose a few photos taken mostly of buildings. Because it is the avenue with most old buildings, which were built at the beginning of the 20th century. What is old seems to go better with black and white.

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.



I also like to walk in the city centres and have a cup of coffee - early summer or not - I would definitely like to stroll in Bucharest one day ( I have never been to your city)

Thanks for saying that!

I would definitely like to stroll in Bucharest one day

The later... the better. Even if it seems rude, please believe me it's not. The city still needs improvements but I am convinced that in a few years, it will be much more similar to the cities you know in Western Europe. In recent years I have seen more and more tourists coming to Bucharest and I believe that the city hall will be able to bring the details that make a difference.

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Oh, what an impressive number. Thank you!

That's great @bluemoon! We're excited to see your commitment to Hive! Keep it up!

Streets, moments, reflections, thoughts, art, the daily life represented in these beautiful photographs. Thank you very much @bluemoon ❤️

"Daily life". Yes, that's what I try to capture in my photos. Thanks for noticing.

Thank you to you.🤗

People who love coffee can't have a restful day unless they drink a couple of times a day. Photos are so beautiful when they are converted to black and white like this. Increases