The City And The Fog

in Black And White2 months ago

I once lived in this town. Iasi is one of the most beautiful cities in Romania, with a lot of history, and contrasts. Like any city in Romania with a history and enough age to have architecture from the past, there is also a more recent architecture which, unfortunately, is partly communist architecture focused on sad buildings, both residential and administrative.

Because I'm referring to something old, I think the images should be black and white to help evoke a past and present time through the city buildings.

The fog brings something mysterious to a town that has lost some of its former luster and a character hanging by one hand can only increase curiosity...

The City And The Fog


It's a theater character, a nineteenth-century character hanging from the roof of a strange building.


This building resembles a warehouse. It is a theatre hall, the second hall of the National Theatre in Iasi and the character hanging there is just a mascot.

The main theatre building, the back of the building, can be seen in the mist.




This building is a symbol of the city, completed in 1896. It was designed by two famous Viennese architects, Fellner and Helmer.

A walk through the fog, all the trips around the city were for me walks of knowledge and discovery. Even a necessary trip to the market was special because the market was special...


Underground market!





Back in the fog.


New And Old

I lived in an apartment on the tenth floor. We had a view over the city and beyond the edges. I loved seeing that far. Unfortunately, I had an opening to the uglier side, with the blocks and factories, generally new construction.


To clear my eyes of such architecture I chose to walk mostly through old neighborhoods, with old and unkempt houses, but through which I could imagine what it was like in the past.




When I got tired the rescue came from the tram. The city council chose to populate the streets with old-looking but functionally very good trams.


It was a very inspired choice. These trams increased the impression of a city in the past, a retro city. There is an equally spectacular modern part of the city waiting to be shown here.

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.



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So spooky and historic! The stories and perspective that go with each make them really immersive too.


Thank you! I'm glad you liked the black-and-white story!

A good amount of excellent black and white photography, the atmosphere really is incredible and you knew how to take advantage of it, excellent work.

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

The black and white of the photographs mixed with the mist creates an atmosphere of mystery and at the same time of great beauty. Perfect pictures!❤️

It's getting hot here in our city and all these are just so beautiful. The photos are even more beautiful when they are converted to black and white.

Black and white photos are more intense and interesting, even if you don't see this from the first moment.

Yeah I totally agree with you.

The fog and a hanging man make the landscapes look pretty epic 😁.

Fog always brings a special atmosphere... and not only in photographs.

A very interesting and beautiful monodacty story. I especially liked the black and white views from the 10th floor, it's something incredible...