some boring old beach photos

in Black And White2 months ago

The boring old beach.
God it's so boring here. I don't know why I keep coming back.

It's certainly not for the zingy sensation I get from breathing all that ionized air. Definitely not because it makes the dog happy. And who cares about a mysterious windrow of sailed blue jellies washed ashore with a renegade buoy?


There's really no point in waking up to, and driving on, this:

Nor saying goodnight to this:

Just a bunch of salty water that can't sit still is all it is. Just another edge of wilderness. Just a soup of secrets too deep and heavy for humankind to know. Just a pulse that beats with the passing of the moon.

Just a boring old beach.


This is my entry for the #monomad challenge, held daily in the Black and White Community.
Give it a try. Someplace exciting.

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All the stuff (pictures, words, etc.) I put in this post and any of my other posts is mine (unless otherwise stated) and can't be used by anyone else unless I say it's ok.


There must be something interesting about this place to decide to return. You have gotten very good photos by the way.

Thank you @dimascastillo90! 💕

There must be something interesting about this place to decide to return.

You're right, I think it's where I go to refuel my sarcasm. 😄

It's often difficult for me to detect sarcasm 🥲

🖤 No worries! I figured a little clarification was warranted.

Love them ominous clouds!

Ominous clouds say thanks!!!

Yes, of course. You're right... but she doesn't get bored of you, nor do I from seeing these boring beach photos.

Boring boredom. Double negative. Two wrongs make a right!! Then a left at the light, then three more miles until you get to Beach Bum Road. After that you're on your own, gotta use the treasure map I gave you.

Hi. I'm deliriously tired.

😅 Y yo no comprendo nada

You still alive and kicking? Need bail money?

I died. But I came back to life thanks to paxlovid and #cavelife for a week...

Bail money... can I use it for rent money??

Only if your landlord is the department of corrections.

Thankfully, no.