Trix400 on the FUJI GS645S - A quick look at a classic camera

in Black And Whitelast year (edited)

This is my submission for the #monomad challenge

Back in 2022

My friend Thomas lent me a camera I was very curious to try - the Fuji GS645S. A medium format fixed focal range finder that has stood the test of time.

GSW645 - TriX400 - 012.jpg

Built in the 80's, this camera was the final version of a series made my Fuji intended to capture the street photographer and traveler wanting to shoot high rez 120Film.

Unlike other version of the Fuji 645 rangefinder that succumbed to leaking bellows, failed electronics, or poor materials the GS645S is fully mechanical. A huge factor in its long lifespan as a functional cameras system.

GSW645 - TriX400 - 009.jpg

When I was lent this camera, I was in the midst of trying to decide on a new 120Film Camera. My brain torn between mobility, image quality, cost, and ease of use. Many models teased my mind, and this particular model specifically had me curious.

In it, I saw a high quality and light weight 120 camera that would let me explore the backcountry, practice my street photography, and become a great option for everyday photography. But, after being burned on a previous potential camera I was hesitant to buy one. So, with the offer to borrow my friends I headed out to explore.

My first stop was a waterfall I'd been hoping to explore. These falls were MASSIVE. So much so, that I couldn't get anywhere near them, even with the wider 60mm f4 lens of the rangefinder I couldn't capture it all. So, I maneuvered around the Creekside to get a better angle. I also used a red filter to try and bring out some extra contrast. The camera has an internal light meter, but it is not coupled with the lens. So, after throwing my red filter on I initially forgot to adjust by 3stops... resulting in a very dark and moody image on the right.

I tried two more shots, one with a yellow filter, and one with the red. Can you guess which are which?

GSW645 - TriX400 - 005.jpgGSW645 - TriX400 - 004.jpgGSW645 - TriX400 - 003.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 002.jpg

Overall, I really enjoyed the GS645S. A stellar camera that did ultimately tick off most of the boxes I had for a 120 Film camera. Easy to use, discrete, high quality, and good optics. However, in using it I did realize something important. For me, the one thing it didn't check off was an interchangeable system. The limitations of having a single fixed lens really showed itself when I wanted to photograph the waterfall. A scene that I knew I would often want to try and capture as I hike and explore the woods. And so, while grateful to have been able to experience this beautiful machine, I had to return it and move on from the fantasy of owning one.

I decided to finish off the roll with a walk through the City, trying to capture the urban environment as I would normally for street photography. This usually includes a mixture of urban environments and people maneuvering their daily life. I won't comment much on these, as I feel the images speak more by themselves.

Looking through the street photo I capture with it really showed me where it did shine though. A stellar setup for composing City streets. I'll be excited to try mimicking the look on 35mm film going forward - though, I suspect that will be a challenge.

GSW645 - TriX400 - 010.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 006.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 011.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 008.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 007.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 013.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 016.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 015.jpg

GSW645 - TriX400 - 014.jpg



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All images are owned and created by Dyptre


Update Note: I incorrectly labelled the camera as the Fuji GS645W when it is the GS645S!

 last year  

Hello @dyptre and thank you very much for another #monomad participation!
Please do not forget to add the tag to your post (together with the other tags), or we might accidentally miss it while going through all the entries.
It would be a shame not to include one of these images in our selection tomorrow 🙂

Oh no! I thought I had it added! Thanks for the headsup

Should be added now :) let me know if it doesn't shown

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The darkness and specificity of these photos reflected a light in my eyes.


Thank you ❤️ I try my best to make all my images invoke emotion

I'm obsses with the light. It's very difficult to obtain the clouds from the first picture and all the things there's happening.

Thank you so much! I've been learning film photography now for two years. A slow process of learning what works and when. Really happy with that shot too and how everything was captured as you said.
Thank you for the comment :)

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My post got deleted as soon as I posted it. What is the reason for this, can you help me in any way? I will be forever grateful if you help.

 last year  Reveal Comment