Life on the Canal

in Black And White2 months ago (edited)

Walking along the Erewash Canal and surrounding area, you meet some interesting people.

This is my entry to the #monomad challenge.

Most people are quite happy to stop and chat or wave, whether they are cycling or passing by on one of the boats.

There's a lot of industrial history on the canal surrounded by nature. Hopefully, we have got past the icy pond stage!

Canal walks are a favourite place of mine as they are flat and accessible. It's a perfect place when you are getting on a bit!


Very nice photos. You have so many interesting places to go for walks!

Yes, I'm very lucky. 🙂

Thank you @bhattg and @ecency. ❤️

You couldn’t be more right in what you’ve mentioned about the canals. It’s why we love it. There’s a good chance we will be passing by that way in late may early June. We should give you a shout so we can meet up for a hive coffee meet up!

Yes, that would be good! Although, I'm travelling down south in May. Hopefully, our paths will cross.

We will be headed up via the southern oxford canal, grand union canal, grand union Leicester line the the trent and then trent and mersey

I've just realised you are back in good old blighty!

Yup! Endless grey and rain

I guess England doesn't get cold enough for outdoor skating ponds...
Are those people sitting on a waterlogged boat??

Yes, people are odd like that. 😁

It gets cold here, but I wouldn't fancy my chances on a frozen pond. I'd have to learn how to skate first. 😁