Monomad Challenge: Night Market During Holidays


Hey everyone, how are you today, I'm back with some black and white visuals you might like, and here's my entry for the #Monomad challenge. This time I'm back again with some visuals that I made using a drone, I made these visuals because I think seeing the crowds from the air with the bright lights of public entertainment rides is very interesting. You can see how lively the night market is during the holidays, lots of people come to this place to vacation with their families and ride the very interesting and thrilling rides. I also had the chance to try some of these rides, and I liked this simple entertainment, you don't need to be extravagant to enjoy a quiet day with your family, just the night market which is the center of the crowd is very enjoyable. OK friends, I won't write anymore, I hope you like the content I share this time, and have fun.






You are happy with my current work, and I will be happy if you like this latest work. Have a good time!!!

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Beautiful and interesting photo from above the Baiturrahman Mosque in Banda Aceh.... 👍

Again very interesting photos with a unique perspective with your drone, this one was my favorite!

Thanks 😊🙏🙏
Glad if you like my work..