Monomad Challenge II My photography today

in Black And White2 months ago (edited)



Hi all my friends in the Black and White community, happy to meet again, my friends, how about your story for today, is everyone in good condition and healthy, friends?


On this occasion I would like to share a little post about my photo shoot today regarding the shell or snail house that I found in the sea with the empty shell no longer in condition Occupant. When I found some that were still good, some had holes in them, so I chose the ones that were still good to take home as a collection.


As for when I got home, I cleaned the object until it was clean and I dried it in the sun so that it didn't smell or smell like sea soil which made the cochlea media turn black. So, all my friends here, I made a collection and took photos so that it turned out to be a beautiful photography result, in my opinion, I hope my friends like it and give support via Hopefully the comments will be input for me and my friends' suggestions will provide additional motivation in the world of photography


My friends, below I have compiled several other photos about my photo shoot today, including the following










Friends, the original photo I took using a Realme 5i brand smartphone and I edited it into a black and white version using the Lightroom application and I will include this ( My photography today ) into the daily #monomad contest hosted and curated by @monochromes

That's it friends for my post this time and welcome to meeting you again in the next post, all my friends in the Black and White community

Sincerely fanigunawan