Kathmandu part 1 - Monomad

in Black And White2 months ago (edited)

Finally I made it back to Nepal and Kathmandu! The last visit was in 1996...!

Walking from the airport more or less on random I soon bumped into both the burning ghats with ongoing cremations as well as some major procession.

The next day turned into a real feast when the family of these guys invited me in!

This is simply colouring, it looks grisly in monochrome, so for this shot I think it kinda fits ;-)

I have no idea what this is about, probably some statue that is transported? The city is chock full of details like this!

Along the main road the assistants ram passengers into the buses, always with a wad of cash/change in hand, and often a smile too.

This guy was a bit skeptical, though!

And this guy seems to be very happy, even if working long hours on dusty roads.

The traffic here is really something, this is more orderly than in the tiny streets though. Traditional dresses are seen all the time, for many it must be what they wear daily.

A peaceful dog by the big stupa Boudhanath.

Kids get lost of real life experiences early on here, and that includes real friendship! Many kids also do not have any phone to distract them...

A mix of young monks & tourists.

This old monk was really calm, powerful like a mountain...

And last but not least a cool dog that followed the procession around, a little nervous from all the sounds and people, but also happy to be part of it all I think!

He let me pet him several times :-)

That's it for now!


I love the spontaneity of street photography, you can appreciate from photos of a small animal like the puppy or another like the man with a big smile, beautiful captures my friend!

Thanks :-) There will be more coming too, it’s a perfect place for photography like this!

 2 months ago  

Hello @lightworks Please do not forget to add the #monomad tag to your post (together with the other tags). Otherwise, and as stated in our rules, your entry will not be considered valid.

Of course, thanks! Done now :-)

 2 months ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Oh that’s great! Certainly a good motivation for keeping it going!

Had some years in the mid nineties where I was hardcore monochrome, maybe some of that will make it into digital format too :-)

 2 months ago  

It would be awesome to see some of those 😉

Thanks, I guess at least some of them deserve some text to go along, it was a very different world :-)