Photography of my dear friend-Monomad challenge

Hello to all my dear friends in the black and white community, how are you today?
Today I want to share some old photos from the past three years. I like these photos very much and they are different for me. I hope you will like them...
This was my selection of images for the #Monomad challenge.
Stay with me to see the photos.

My dear friend Benyamin and I went to the nature outside the city for photography and we found a pristine place that I think was very beautiful to take some portraits, so we decided to take photos there.
let's move on
We got out of the car and started exploring that area, and my friend Benjamin had picked up a piece of wood, then it occurred to me that it would be interesting to use this wood to make half of Benjamin's body disappear, I was just joking. I implemented it with Photoshop, first I took a photo of the background, and then Benjamin came and posed with a stick, and I edited it like this in Photoshop, and I think it turned out very different and attractive.

After taking the photo, I asked Benjamin to pose and he used his hat to make his pose more complete, he put his hand on his hat and it turned out to be a really attractive pose, so I quickly photographed Benjamin in this beautiful state, and the result was very beautiful, photography in nature. And the open space is always pleasant for me, I get a new spirit and receive the energy of nature, and this is very pleasant.

And in the end, Benyamin really wanted to have a long shot in his photo collection, he is a very handsome boy and I really think that a long shot can make his photography more attractive, so he stood in a beautiful frame and took a beautiful pose with trees and mountains behind him. It was located in a very beautiful scenery, it became even more perfect with Benjamin's pose, and we were able to take a beautiful photo. It was a very beautiful day. Even after 3 years, I still haven't forgotten the feeling and atmosphere of nature there, and I hope that with the arrival of spring and summer again I will go there for more photos.
Well, my dear friends, thank you for being with me until the end of the post. I also thank all my dear friends in the black and white community who support me. I wish success and health to all of you dear ones. goodbye.