Monomad Daily Challenge: The deep, decadent forest | ESP / ENG

in Black And White2 months ago

This reportage arose spontaneously during a walk one overcast afternoon through the forests of the interior of the island of Mallorca. Following abandoned paths we stumbled upon an old agricultural property in ruins and absorbed by the lush nature. Here is a summary of what we found.


Este reportaje surgió espontáneamente durante un paseo una tarde nublada a través de los bosques del interior de la isla de Mallorca. Siguiendo senderos abandonados acabamos dando con una antigua propiedad agrícola en ruinas y absorbida por la frondosa naturaleza. Aquí el resultado resumido de lo que nos encontramos.









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Camera: Fujifilm X-T2
Lens: Fujinon 18-55mm f:2.8-4
Processed with Capture One

Translated with plus little adjustments made by me.