PRAY, FAST AND STUDY THE WORD; Whether You Feel Like It Or Not.

in The Kingdom19 days ago

As a believer have you noticed that you always find it difficult to pray, fast and study the Bible?.


Being consistent in praying, fasting and studying the Bible requires discipline. Just like the way you develop the discipline of reading your books in school so that you can pass your exams. You also need that discipline in praying, fasting and studying the word of God so that you win and pass spiritual test and battles.

There are times the spirits will lead you to pray, fast and study the word. This is time that you can just alone and all of a sudden you develop the hunger to just pray, fast or study the word of God, you discover your are always in the mood . All this is the work of the Holy spirit.

And also there are times we just have to get up and pray and fast for ourselves, a time we just discipline ourselves to study the word of God. We cannot be waiting for the Holy spirit to kickstart us before we do whatever we are supposed to do. it is not everytime we would be in the mood of prayer and studying the word of God. If we keep waiting for when the Holy Spirit will kickstart us, then we would not be able to reach that level of harnessing our spiritual strength to fullest. We need to discipline to remain fit in the spiritual realm.

Habakkuk 2:1


The prophet in the Bible said he will always stand upon his watch. The prophet made it a must whether he feel like it or not to stand before his watch. As a believer you must learn how to pray, fast and study God's word always, whether you feel like it or not.

Keep praying when you feel like, and also pray when you don't feel like, till you keep feeling it, do this and your spiritual life will never remain the same.

Stay Blessed