Just Stay Humble Always

in The Kingdom29 days ago

Being humble is a state where we grow to the point of placing others right before us, having the mindset that the views of others too than always thing we are better than everyone else.

There is this story of a mouse and a tortoise who engaged in race. The mouse was so proud because it felt it could run so fast more than the tortoise. It came to a point that it outran the tortoise then went to rest under a tree then slept off. After a while the tortoise passed and before long the mouse woke up and picked up and the tortoise got to the finishing line before the mouse and it was so shocking to all.

Phil.2.3 - Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Humility can place a man ahead of his equals. A humble mind don't need to blow his trumpet as his act will find him out with time. It is the grace of God that pushes a man ahead of his fellows and that should not be a point for pride.

Everyone should have this at heart that the people we meet on our way up can also be there on the way down, so stepping on others to climb can be a very bad sign which can be hurting later on in life. Keep humble and let your announcement come from above and that is when it will have an everlasting impact.


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