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RE: From Paradise to Ashes: Reflecting on Hawaii and Ukraine

in DiggnDeeper.com10 months ago

If America thinks it can diminish Russia by continuing to fund Zelenskyy and this war it is mistaken. Russia is thriving. It's economy has been barely touched. Russians continue, on average, to enjoy a good standard of living with very cheap food prices and affordable rents, even in Moscow. And as you point out Russia's oil revenues are still doing well. Russia also has very little national debt. While I don't have all the data I am almost tempted to say that the average Russian now enjoys a better standard of living than the average citizen in my country here in Britain.

Biden must know that Putin can not be defeated. People must realise that there is no logic to this war other than feeding the MIC and enriching the bank accounts of sick minded global elites. Sadly most ordinary people will think how the media tells them to think and believe that Putin is a monster. When in reality it's Biden.