
in THE 2020s15 days ago

Women are not banned from the NBA or NFL, they simply don't make the cut in professional sports like basketball, football, and others. Regarding my trolls, I've seen value in me interacting with them and also value in me not interacting with them, it's an odd dichotomy paradox limbo. If I was a plane, my trolls would be my wind, I'll take advantage of them, unless if perchance the winds blow me into mountains meaning I've gambled with all of this for years whether I knew it or not. Trolls have two major talking-points. First, Oatmeal-Bad. Similar to Orange-Man-Bad. It's the mindset of guilty without trials. Second, after they say Oatmeal-Bad, then they try to say anybody connected to Oatmeal is bad. We can call this a double lie. People can end up trying to react to the second lie. But the premise for the second lie is flawed as it's based on the first lie which had no trial therein. Can you believe Roy only sent shirts to 3 people in the past 6 years, that's like one person every two years.

Lisa said she over-shared, I think I've over-shared, and I think if done right, that can work, some people perhaps gotta over-share; it can be a form of transparency for the record; sure it depends/nuance/variables/degrees/art form; but like public people already are public. My trolling probably evolved over the years out of my style of talking to people which was often times a form of debate; I would often try to debate, ask questions; I've been like that since I was like seven years old or younger, past like 32+ years.

Videos: 2020: Sonic the Hedgehog Spoiler Review, Jim Carrey. Songs: Oatmeal Outline Songs, one song per year, 2000 to 2005; Watched: Sonic, Under The Bridge 105-106



Screenshot at 2024-05-19 00-30-47.png

Noisee AI

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-05-18 - Saturday | Published in May of 2024


Oatmeal Discord Server
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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:16 AM
2020: Sonic the Hedgehog Spoiler Review, Jim Carrey

2024-05-15 - Wednesday - 12:41 PM
2000, Oatmeal turned 15, Camcorder, Stephanie Bishop, artist, Valentines, Ra Ra, Headless Doll, Cars, Ham Radio, brother went to prom but Oatmeal didn't; Scream 3, Gladiator, Mission: Impossible II, Chicken Run, Idaho; bowling; Morehead Pickett Family Reunion in Long Beach, Washington; W-C-C, brother came; Mermaid, Billy Elliot; F-G-H-S, Forest Grove High School, home of the Vikings; Mlynski, Brandeburg, Thias, Baumgartner, Fleskes, Tonya Jones Science; Hey Arnold, Bruce Lee, welding, Savannah Montoya, Selena Willner; Oatmeal was rejected from the basketball team; Meet The Parents, Pay It Forward, Left Behind; Power Ranger Newsies Music Videos; How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie's Angels, Little Nicky, Unbreakable, 102 Dalmatians; Tom Hanks, Cast Away, Wilson; Oatmeal was making new friends; if you want to mingle like you're single too, come Quan Dale Dingle on over clover, give it a jingle in the jungles of the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server full of freaking Pringles if you know what I mean
appalachian death metal bluegrass, psychedelic anime, 108 BPM

2024-05-16 - Thursday - 10:54 PM
2000, Oatmeal turned 15, V.1, FGHS, Idaho, Ra Ra, Cam, Music Videos, Welding, Cast Away, Suno & Noisee AI
Oatmeal in the 2000s, Twitter X Thread

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 12:08 PM
2000, Oatmeal turned 15, V.2, FGHS, Idaho, Started FGHS High School, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-13 - Monday - 11:53 AM
2001, Oatmeal turned 16, Paper Mario, Carman: The Champion, See Spot Run, Spy Kids, Joe Dirt, Jason X, Pearl Harbor, Shrek, Moulin Rouge, Mummy Returns, Fast and the Furious; Oatmeal was excited to see Tom Raider, shut up Woof, I mean Angelina Jolie Lara Croft, I got my eye on you in a heart beat, total recall, with Rick; Red Dog, Cat's Life, W-C-C, Blair Witch; Amélie; Sophomore at F-G-H-S, 9 and 11; Ghetto Blues; Harry Potter; Super Bowl; Star Trek Enterprise, Thanksgiving; S-S-X Tricky; Sonic, Dead & Alive; N-B-A Street; Time Changer, time travel; it's nothing but Phenomenon; Oatmeal wrote bad words in his rap songs, Oatmeal was trying to blend in, go with the crowd, and if you're surfing the waves too like Golden Boy Roy Merrick like the Legion of Memers, then join the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server, the land of the goddamn memes, making the world greener one meme at a time
super fast techno, pop, rock, rap, catchy, passionate gritty female vocal

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 12:20 PM
2001, Oatmeal turned 16, V.1, Red Dog, Phenomenon, Paper Mario, Tomb Raider, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-13 - Monday - 11:53 AM
2002, Oatmeal turned 17, Walk to Remember; Cooking Class; Oatmeal got a third camcorder, Sonic The Blue Hog; Ice Age 1. Resident Evil; Spider-Man 1, Star Wars 2, Scooby-Doo, Bourne Identity, Minority Report, Attic, Jeffrey, Woof, W-C-C, Men in Black II, Like Mike, Lil Bow Wow, NBA Inside Stuff, Austin Powers 3; One Hour Photo; Tuxedo; Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie, Time Changer; 8 Mile, Crazy Nights; Star Trek: Nemesis. Equilibrium; L-O-T-R 2; Catch Me If You Can; Winter Youth Celebration (WYC); Carrie, Hey Arnold, Mario Sunshine, Warcraft 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Kingdom Hearts; Oatmeal was going to school dances, things were improving, and if you wanna improve too, and if you wanna dance too, then come on over to the dance floor at the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server where the party never ends in voice/video channel
super fast techno, country, pop, rock, rap, catchy, passionate gritty female vocal, erratic psychedelic picopop

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 12:30 PM
2002, Oatmeal turned 17, V.1, Third Camcorder, WYI, School Dances, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-13 - Monday - 11:53 AM
2003, Oatmeal turned 18, a birthday party, Danielle Stone; Oatmeal knocked it out of the park or so they said regarding his performance acting in a play at church but then found out Tiffany Cumbo died, but made people laugh at her funeral; crazy dreams, that girl at W-C-C; Earth & Drama clubs, wasn't good enough to get featured in the Year Book; Oatmeal was a Girls Basketball Manager with Richie VanDyke; Oatmeal was Tom Sawyer for Halloween, hung with Sonya Mack who probably had a crush on him; Oatmeal was Sebastian for the Lip Sync Competition; Lord of the Rings; Oatmeal was thinking about attending George Fox University in Oregon; Family Reunion in Roseburg with Woof, Dick, & Skip; but you aint blood; and if you aint blood too, or even if you are, come join the Oatmeal Discord Server where everybody's family even when you aren't
super fast techno, EDM pop punk, math rock, rap, catchy, passionate gritty female vocal, erratic psychedelic picopop

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 12:39 PM
2003, Oatmeal turned 18, V.1, TRC, LOTR, Basketball Manager, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-13 - Monday - 11:53 AM
2004, Oatmeal turned 19, F-G-H-S, Oatmeal made a pocket ball table for his Senior Project so he could graduate from high school in Oregon; Oatmeal flew to New York to work at S-T-C, Summer Training Corps; Chris Zaug; Oatmeal was a Llama, they were basketball champs, Sparkles, boat; S-W-P, Summer Work Program, The Inn, Tom Wade, Bethany Williams, painting; Word Of Life Bridal Institute acts as a ramp; Dispensationalism; Marshall Wicks, Tom Davis, Ric Garland; Oatmeal was rejected from the Drama Team; C-M-T, Children Ministry Team, lead by John Brown; Jamboree, Super Bowl; J-S-A Trinity, Sarah Cole; Adam Wills, J-J Hips videos; volleyball, basketball, thief in the night; iRobot; Oatmeal flew back to Oregon for Christmas so he could copy V-H-S tapes to D-V-D for the Arnold Attic and visit Roseburg again like the previous year; Oatmeal also attended a family reunion with Mars in P-D-X; and if you wanna copy to preserve history, come join the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server
super fast techno, pop, rock, rap, epic symphony, violins, catchy, passionate gritty female vocal

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 12:46 PM
2004, Oatmeal turned 19, V.1, Pocket Ball, FGHS Grad, New York, STC, Llama, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-13 - Monday - 11:53 AM
2005, Oatmeal turned 20, was contemplating going to A-B-C, Davis, Boise Bible; Homiletics, Passion of the Christ; did Oatmeal lose campers on a snow hill at snow camp; New Jersey: Hawthorne Gospel Church; Pacifier; did Oatmeal smuggle bagels got his gang; Father Son Retreat, Misty Melody, Founder's Conference; Star Wars 3; you were my brother, the chosen one, you were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them; Ranch Camp Counselor, go to sleep little boy, camper punched Oatmeal in the face, was Oatmeal fired, W-C-C; Batman Begins; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; S-W-P; W-O-L-B-I 2nd year; Rachel; History Of Missions: Dr. Gerald Franz; Rome allowed cults; Apologetics; Sarah McLean got Oatmeal plane tickets, round trip, to visit Oregon for Christmas; Arnold Attic work, Narnia, Mars, Robots; it's like instead of coming out of closets, Oatmeal went into them to find fuzzy wuzzy creatures, and if you wanna join in this petting zoo without Joe Biden, join the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server
fast-paced, catchy, ⚔️ Power Metal ⚔️, rap, Symphonic, Violin, cute girl high voice, grandeur, ethereal, stars, agility

2nd pair
fast-paced, catchy, rock, rap, passionate vocals, violins, drums

3rd pair
super fast pop; happy futuristic rap, techno, alternative rock, psychedelic anime, passionate gritty female vocals

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 12:54 PM
2005, Oatmeal turned 20, V.4, MySpace, Snow Camp, WCC, Star Wars 3, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

02:15 AM

Women are not banned from the NBA or NFL, they simply don't make the cut in professional sports like basketball, football, and others. 01:41 PM: My dad was sometimes a dead beat dad in a way.

01:49 PM
Lisa said she over-shared, I think I've over-shared, and I think if done right, that can work, some people perhaps gotta over-share; it can be a form of transparency for the record; sure it depends/nuance/variables/degrees/art form; but like public people already are public.

Discord Drama

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 04:49 PM - Discord Log

Regarding my trolls, I've seen value in me interacting with them and also value in me not interacting with them, it's an odd dichotomy paradox limbo. The perception is this, Oatmeal's an easy target, trolls react to me like drivers during traffic jams in California, road rage, similar to how people flip people off, they scream, when people cut people off on highways, people felt I cut them off on their TikTok newsfeed, that it was my fault I showed up on their phones, computers, devices, televisions, etc. People often don't think about what they do, they just do what they do like animals, often unaware of the process therein; they often cannot handle that I've trolled my trolls which they cannot comprehend because I'm supposed to be a Lol-Cow who is unable to troll back; beyond that, I've been trolling before some of them were even born; perhaps even some of it was me click-baiting to pull them into trolling me, that I trolled them so they would troll me resulting in me trolling them back, a big circle jerk loop of hamsters on wheels going around and around. 6/ Back in the day, it was an insult to call somebody four-eyes even as four eyes is better than two, but people gave into peer pressure to repeat the talking point insults without thinking about it, that is until you become more aware of it. 05:17 PM: If I was a plane, my trolls would be my wind, I'll take advantage of them, unless if perchance the winds blow me into mountains meaning I've gambled with all of this for years whether I knew it or not. Trolls have two major talking-points. First, Oatmeal-Bad. Similar to Orange-Man-Bad. It's the mindset of guilty without trials. Second, after they say Oatmeal-Bad, then they try to say anybody connected to Oatmeal is bad. We can call this a double lie. People can end up trying to react to the second lie. But the premise for the second lie is flawed as it's based on the first lie which had no trial therein. A good gauge and screening mechanism in determining where people are is to ask them their thoughts regarding the trials of people like Trump, Alex Jones, and others; people who are fooled by rigged trials are likely to be fooled by the Oatmeal Fake News as well. Fish did say he trolls to get me to do crazy things, that Fish does it for kicks and giggles. In other words, regardless of whether he falls for fake news or not, Fish said he is trolling because he thinks it's funny how I react. 11/ Looks like Fish is the only one left from that 2022 Marine-Trinity, looks like Emu and Flopper moved on; Fish was the dumbest of those three stooges. I was especially trolling in 2022 trying to start a chain reaction where people would tell their friends to come check out the freak show called Oatmeal. My logic was, if I can pull in thousands of people, maybe a few of them will see through the trolling to see the real Oatmeal behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz/Ra. Part of the logic behind what I did evolved out of a life of a perception of feeling like I was unable to finish work/projects both online and offline; the logic evolved out of a feeling of failure/rejection/incompetence; so there were times I would try throw everything onto the Internet to see what sticks, what doesn't stick; which is a paradox as a perfectionist; there is a lot there to unpack. My trolling probably evolved over the years out of my style of talking to people which was often times a form of debate; I would often try to debate, ask questions; I've been like that since I was like seven years old or younger, past like 32+ years. 09:41 PM: Can you believe Roy only sent shirts to 3 people in the past 6 years, that's like one person every two years. Imagine having so much money, you send out shirts to random people for kicks and giggles. That's the difference between me and Roy, I don't like burning money. Roy, you better get Incel Magazine shirts before 2027 or else.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Under The Bridge 105-106

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 03:19 AM - Under The Bridge 105-106

Did it for you. Not a pig. Took drugs. Phone call. Blame murder on others. She accused dad of attacking her which was a lie. Escape to Mexico is a plan. Drugs. Not a cop. Acid. Looks like they killed her, cops arrested them.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:57 AM
Elon Musk Says PROSECUTE FAUCI After NIH Finally ADMITS To GOF Research w/Pearl Davis | Timcast IRL

Under The Bridge 105-106

2024-05-18 - Saturday - 03:19 AM - Under The Bridge 105-106

11:26 AM
LIVE REACTION to Tim Pool Debate: Pearl, Lauren Chen, Rachel, Isabella Riley



Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:15 AM. Breakfast, 11:25 AM. Lunch, 11:48 AM. Dishes, 02:30 PM to like 4. Plants in around 5. Dinner, 07:00 PM, while watching 1997 Jurassic Park 2, made TikTok videos, Rambo, no glasses, shower, dishes put away, back here at 09:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 3 tangerines, 11:25 AM. Lunch: fruit yogurt salad, very good, my favorite, 11:48 AM. Dinner: RV leftover soup from yesterday, pretty good, Rocky Road ice-cream was good, 07:00 PM. No English classes this week. Did some exercises, workout, today.

2024-04 - Social Icons & Oatmeal Face Banner 3.png
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