Captured Encounters

in Photo Lovers9 months ago

As a delivery person, I'm constantly discovering interesting an unique sights. I saw these sculptures late one evening, and i really appreciated their uniqueness.

The owner of the property did a wonderful job at setting up the lighting along his yard. Creating a small world that I had to pause my routine to appreciate.

It's nice when i encounter an experience that pulls my out of my world, and reminds me to enjoy the moment.

The temptation to get absorbed in the routine of delivering can be strong, yet i always seem to find something to draw my attention back to my surroundings.

It doesn't really take much to appreciate, just a willingness to observe.

Sometimes it's just a simple moment, and you've got to act quick to catch it.

Other times it's staring right at you.

Yet as many of the moments that I've cought, I've missed so many more. Having been lost in routine simply staring right though, yet unaware of the originality.

Lost in the urgency of life, going through the motions. Eyes open, yet oblivious to my surroundings.

So many outside forces with the power to draw from my attention. Something as simple as a rainy day could be enough to capture my musings.

Yet by being present I could find myself appreciating even the placing of a wooden panel.

So I continue tackling my "have to's", while doing my best to intentionally enjoy the moments that I encounter in the process.

All photos shared were taken by me with my one plus seven plus.


SOme nice findings here. Especially enjoyed this one.