Change Your Fear

in Olio di Balenalast month


One thing I dread while growing up is staying far away from people I love. I felt it would be difficult to cope. The first day in a boarding house confirmed my fear. I cried immediately when my aunt bid me goodbye as she turned around to go. Even though I felt like running after her, I asked myself how the boys I see around have been able to cope. It seemed like it wasn't going to be possible but gradually I started to change my fear because I realized what I dread wasn't fatal, in fact, there were more opportunities outside my comfort zone.

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Sometimes life presents before us the things we fear the most, not because it wants us to faint, but because it wants us to understand that our fears can be changed. Things we fear to do might have the answer to our breakthrough in some areas of our lives. When change comes, embrace it, fear can be changed, we can live above our fears if we embrace it.

Do not allow your fears to build a nest in your heart, because they'll dominate and rule over every of your decisions, usually decisions that can change you for the better. The story of the three lepers in the Bible confirmed how what we fear has the breakthrough we need, it only takes a radical decision to change our fears and sometimes it comes at the verge where a little decision is left for us to make. Don't fear chance, because change is constant, and as long as we are humans, it happens to all, rather change what you fear and have dominion over it.


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Things we fear to do might have the answer to our breakthrough in some areas of our lives.

This is nothing but the truth, fear has a way of limiting us from our full potential, we truly need to face what we fear if we want more in life.

Yeah, a sure thing

Good advice there. I don't fear change, but yes there are things that i end up fearing probably due to overthinking. Your inputs on how to face those fears feel quite logical. I should start thinking along those lines.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

I'm glad this article proves useful

Fear makes us miss good opportunities in life and limits us from doing exploits that might lead to breakthrough. Facing our fears helps us break from this bondage.


Yeah, so do it afraid and you might just soar high

In a nutshell, it's imperative that we confront our fears irrespective of our big they are.
Thank you for the post!

