Let me introduce you Stella: The first Influencer AI Model on Hive

in Liketu9 months ago


Hi, everyone, I hope you all are ok! I'm so excited to introduce you to Stella, the first influencer AI model on Hive! 👏💯🤩

I always wanted to be a photographer 📸 and I'm passionate about Artificial Intelligence 🤖. So Stella is the perfect partner for me. Here is the opportunity to share these beautiful photos 🤗

My mother has a camera and I took some photos, but I have no models :( Lately, I have watched some YouTube shorts of photographers taking photos of beautiful girls on the street and WOW, those photographs were amazing! Also, I saw some videos that AI virtual models are taking on social media. I really like to see AI-generated content in social media, it's like combining reality with fantasy.

Those magic creations are beautiful. So I wanted to create my own virtual AI model. I followed the tutorial of @AILockup on YouTube.

Stella is a beautiful, intelligent, joyful, and versatile model who can be used for a variety of projects. She's perfect for fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and even commercial shoots. 🥰

Together, we can create stunning images that will capture the attention of your audience. In the future, I want to take photos of real models with AI models

So what are you waiting for?

Follow Stella on Instagram today and let's start creating together! @im.stella.ai

Do you think I need to create a new account for Stella? She has a lot of photos she wants to share with you! 😁

Bye, and I hope to see you all soon!

Disclaimer: All the photos were generated by Artificial Intelligence using Leonardo.AI or Stable Diffusion and then I did a face swap. Thus, these are not photos of real people

In photos 5 and 6 I show the original AI-generated photo, and the second one is my edition.

The prompts used were:

close up candid photography of a blonde woman with blue eyes, waving to the camera, smiling, fill lighting, influencer, upper body, from eye level, lifestyle photography, soft focus, Porta 160, film grain, 50mm lens, high quality, realistic, 8k


full body paparazzi photography of a blonde woman with blue eyes, waving to the camera, smiling, full body, from eye level, lifestyle photography, soft focus, Porta 160, film grain, 50mm lens, 50cm far away from the camera


Hola a todos, ¡Espero que estéis bien! Estoy muy emocionado de presentaros a Stella, ¡La primera modelo influencer AI de Hive! 👏💯🤩

Siempre quise ser un fotógrafo 📸 y me apasiona la Inteligencia Artificial 🤖. Así que Stella es la compañera perfecta para mí. Así que en esta oportunidad les comparto estas hermosas fotos 🤗.

Mi madre tiene una cámara y durante un tiempo tomé algunas fotos, pero no tengo modelos :(

Últimamente, he visto algunos cortos de YouTube de fotógrafos tomando fotos de chicas hermosas en la calle y ¡WOW, esas fotografías eran increíbles! También he visto algunos vídeos de modelos virtuales de IA en las redes sociales. Me gusta mucho ver contenido generado por IA en las redes sociales, es como combinar la realidad con la fantasía.

Esas creaciones mágicas son preciosas. Así que quise crear mi propio modelo virtual de Inteligencia Artificial, siguiendo el tutorial de YouTube de @AiLockup.

Stella es una modelo hermosa, inteligente, alegre y versátil que está abierta para una gran variedad de proyectos. Ella es perfecta para la moda, belleza, estilo de vida, e incluso sesiones comerciales. 🥰

Juntos, podemos crear imágenes impresionantes que captarán la atención de su público. En el future, me gustaría crear un portfolio de fotos con modelos reales y modelosd de inteligencia artificial.

Así que, ¿A qué estás esperando?

¡Sigue a Stella en Instagram hoy mismo y empecemos a crear juntos! @im.stella.ai

¿Crees que necesito crear una nueva cuenta de Hive para Stella? ¡Tiene un montón de fotos que quiere compartir contigo! 😁

¡Saludos y espero verlos pronto! 🤗

Descargo de responsabilidad: Todas las fotos fueron generadas por Inteligencia Artificial utilizando Leonardo.AI o Stable Diffusion y luego hice un intercambio de caras. Por lo tanto, no son fotos de personas reales.

En las fotos 5 y 6 muestro la foto original generada por la IA, y la segunda es mi edición.


Leonardo.AI: https://app.leonardo.ai/

Los collage fueron creados con: https://www.fotor.com/

Google Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/

Los Prompts utilizados fueron:

close up candid photography of a blonde woman with blue eyes, waving to the camera, smiling, fill lighting, influencer, upper body, from eye level, lifestyle photography, soft focus, Porta 160, film grain, 50mm lens, high quality, realistic, 8k


full body paparazzi photography of a blonde woman with blue eyes, waving to the camera, smiling, full body, from eye level, lifestyle photography, soft focus, Porta 160, film grain, 50mm lens, 50cm far away from the camera

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


I think you should create a Hive account for Stella. Shouldn't she also have her own Hive community also? As an influencer she should have a fan club or something like that so her fans can post about her.

Hahaha after reading your comment a news article headline popped into my head, "Deranged Crypto Enthusiasts Worship An AI Model!"

I think that could get some attention around the web and put Hive on the map.


That's sound amazing! Nice headline, I would click it 😁

I want more people to know Hive 🤩

I would too haha, and yeah, I think the more people that know about Hive, the better.

I'm looking for an arsonist interested in a romantic relationship.
I want someone who can set my world on fire!

Credit: reddit
@holovision, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of killerwot



Thanks for your comment! Alright, I will create a Hive account for Stella 😁😁

I'm agree create a community around the model and lifestyle would be great 🤩


I hate to say this would not be the first AI model on Hive, but it may be the first to admit to it.

That's true! It was a little bit ambitious 🤭

The plan is to be the most realistic model 😁

Thanks for your comment



Posted using Hive Images

Did you hear about the happy Roman?
He was gladiator.

Credit: reddit
@luis96xd, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of hivephoto



Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! There will be more! 😁

wow! what a cute AI


Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you liked it

The tutorial you used to create a woman using a computer is much different from the one I used.

Hahah, that was so funny! I did not seen that movie yet 😁

It was also a TV series. I ship Lisa from that TV series with the Automan hologram.

well, stella looks good

Thanks Andrew! I'm glad you liked it

Que miedo esto, 😂 uno ya no va a saber distinguir la realidad de la ficción.

De hecho muchas damas de compañía serás IA entrenadas para hacernos sentir bien y que sean como Stella, bonitas

Gracias por tu comentario, es cierto, cada vez es más dificil distinguir lo que es real o no 😮
Debería hacer un post sobre eso "¿Real vs Inteligencia Aritificial? Puedes distinguirlo"

También están apareciendo muchas cuentas así en Only Fans o Patreon 😨

¡Gracias Andrew! Realmente aprecio tu comentario, hoy vi tu vídeo musical generado con inteligencia artificial y me pareció un grandioso trabajo, simplemente genial! 😱
Hoy subí otra publicación de Stella, ahora si en una cuenta propia 😁