Lovely [SPA/ENG]

in Liketu2 months ago


Hola, espero estén teniendo un precioso día. Hoy realicé una pequeña sesión y realmente, me gustó mucho el resultado. Los colores se ven muy lindos, me encantaron.

Hi, I hope you are having a lovely day. I did a little session today and I really liked the result. The colors look very nice, I loved them.

Edición hecha con Polarr 💗 Edit made with Polarr

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Muy linda, espero estés mejor..

¡Gracias! <3 Ya me siento un poco mejor. ^^

Me alegro.... Cuidate

Gracias, igualmente 🌸💕

It sounds like you had a successful session! It's always a great feeling when you achieve results you're happy with. The colors must be vibrant and beautiful if they caught your attention. Keep up the good work, and enjoy the creative process! 🌟

Yes 🤭 absolutely, it feels too cool *.✧

Thank you so much✨ I really enjoy the process of creating, it's exciting and fun. ^^

Hola, muy bonita como siempre, te dejo mi like.

Holi, de nuevo 🤭 jaja~ gracias por el apoyo <3


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I’ve been told crocodiles can grow up to 15 feet
but I’ve never seen one with more than four.

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