Take it easy [SPA/ENG]

in Liketu2 months ago


Hola, espero estén teniendo un buen día. No sé si nota, pero no me siento bien y es que, llevo un par de días enferma. He tratado de tomar las cosas con calma y descansar todo lo posible.

Hi, I hope you are having a good day. I don't know if you notice, but I am not feeling well and I have been sick for a couple of days. I have been trying to take it easy and rest as much as possible.

Edición hecha con Polarr 🤍 Edit made with Polarr

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Ya me decía yo, donde andabas... Que bueno que te sientas mejor... Y no...
No se nota... Estas preciosa.... Saludos... Cuidate

Me imagino 👀 para mí fue raro no estar acá.

Gracias <3 sigo sin sentirme bien, pero ahí voy.

Ten un lindo día, saludos. ^^

So sorry to find out you have not been feeling well. Make sure you take time to also rest as probably it might be stress. Remember health is wealth

At first it took me a while to accept the situation and slow down, but this changed as the days went by. I am already listening to my body and acting accordingly 🤍

It's so true *.✧ thank you. ^^

Hola, espero te mejores, me gustan tus fotos.👍

Holi ^^ ¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra que sean de tu agrado *⁠.⁠✧


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What do you do with a car whose wheels are completely worn out?
You re-tire it.

Credit: reddit
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