Things we do for love

in GEMSlast month

The length we can go for love atimes would make people think we are crazy and not in the right state of mind...

There are things we would do when in love that we can never try on a normal day, power of love is great and it intoxicate people like a strong wine.



I have got a story to share with my audience and I would love a sincere answer from you guys.

Once upon a time, there was a poor young man who was dating a girl, the girl loved him so much and didn't care about his messed up financial status and sticked with him through the years...

She would cook for him with her own money, gives him the respect he deserves as the man of the house and she never disobey his words.

You know how lady can be so disrespectful when the man can't provide for their needs and how they will deny him sex and all but this girl never did all that...

Years later, Friends influenced this man into engaging in fraud which paid out well for him as he cashed out big and he didn't forget the lady who stood by him when he had nothing, I fact he did it because of her....


He took good care of her, bought her a lot of things like house, car, took her to a trip to Dubai and to crown it all, he got married to her...

No love is sweeter than the one that the person you love , love you the same way...

They were enjoying a good life but their happiness was cut short 5 months later when police came to arrest the man after he was linked to the scam that happened and his colleague were already arrested too...

They were all sentenced to ten years imprisonment! Now the question is

As a lady, what would you do if you found yourself in this situation??? Will you abandon the man? Or wait for him to return after ten years? Or or just let me know what you would do in the comment box, it could be anything just be sincere.


Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


Hmmmmm! This is a bit difficult to say because the man might come out of the prison and change his mind towards the lady, but if Incase, he did not change his mind, Let me give my sincere answer, my church answer this enn....the kind of person I am, I will not abandon him, but I can not give a guaranty of waiting for him for ten years oo😂

lol thanks for saying the truth... I don't think anyone would willingly wait ten years when there are many suitors around.

To be honest I was expecting an answer from some lady. Unfortunately, No reply till now. I am not a lady but I think she may wait for the person if she truly loves the person and lives a happy life after 10 years. But it's not an easy thing because 10 years is indeed a huge time and she needs to suffer a lot of things also in the 10 years which makes the thing difficult for the lady.

ten years is nt small, and also the man coming back from jail after ten years has nothing, how will they cope together from scratch?

Honestly, this is hard. I never can tell what I want I’ll do if I’d wait or just get married to another person. we never can tell what the behavior of the man will also be like when he gets out of prison. It depends on the person though. If it’s someone I love as much as I love my heart, I’d wait

hope you know ten years added to your age, you will be close to menopause? are you still willing to wait?