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RE: Hello Bullies, my name is RESILIENCE!

in GEMS3 years ago

Not that I am in anyway insisting you read it, but perhaps the "why" I continued to post would be made clearer to you in my previous post.

Also, to clarify... just because I have a spine, and a voice - does not mean I am not calm.

Lastly. I appreciate your input but dont specifically agree with everything. Who sets out these rules, limitations and restrictions anyway?! Was there a vote I missed somewhere along the way?

During a witness chat, I once referred to "the powers that be" and was shot down from a dizzy height because THIS IS A DECENTRALISED SPACE and no one person RUNS THE SHOW.... yet we all KNEW what I meant in saying that.

I think it is ridiculous that some read worthy content that is years old cannot be republished... yet so much other crud is acceptable around here. In fact, this is the ONLY space I know of where the re-publishing of your own original works is treated like some kind of deadly sin.

Why is there not a turnaround time for things rhat can be shared again.... considering the high turnover of members Hive has....?! I would far rather enjoy a really good old piece of writing than sift through a lot of the bollocks that people here put out and call "blogging".

Who makes these decisions if nobody is "in charge"........

Anyhoooo... thanks for input and also for your generosity on the track of the week contest. It will be appreciated this week as that one got downvoted to buggerall too.


I get the part about remaining calm but still able to air a few grievances. I wasn't being dead serious when I said that calm down part.

You don't need to agree with the input, but the #showcase-sunday thing was mentioned specifically, and I'm the one who started that, so I did have some criteria and expectations to go along with it. If people disagree with that stuff then they can simply not use the tag.

As for the repeat posting. It's your blog. Do whatever you want. I agree the shelf life of content here is far too short. I know consumers don't stick around so there's always a new audience to entertain. Personally, I don't want my blog filled with reruns. And I'm well aware much of the content here is lame at times, to put it gently. That was one of the reasons why I encouraged the Showcase Sunday thing. I hate sifting through shit post after shit post; one or a few images, no words. I can't connect with pictures and no personality. So I thought *wouldn't it be cool if these folks shit posted as much as they want, then put it all into an ACTUAL post with some personality? Make it unique and stand out from the hundreds of identical posts? It was supposed to make curating and finding new people much easier, on a Sunday, when people like to be lazy. There's a difference between content creation and social media posts. Some people don't get that, and I for one am not going to "pay" for a tweet, status update, or one simple picture of the bush behind the house. If I vocalized how I truly feel, I'd be this platform's harshest critic. But I insist, I'm not here to tell people how to run their blogs. Yes, I'd much rather vote or "pay for" a well produced post. And some personality goes along way as well because if I can connect to the human, then even some of their shittiest posts are still able to entertain me. I'd say this stance is quite normal. But I don't think just because something is good or great, that I should have to see it constantly. I'd unfollow a creator who constantly reposts the same shit or variations of the same shit on repeat. Everyone wipes their ass. Sure we paint a new picture on the paper each time, but it's the same shit and it's all getting flushed. What a weird analogy.

I don't know who made the rules. It's more like an unwritten rule that's been around since the beginning. So many take advantage of the situation. Posting for rewards instead of people is fucking easy. A band will play the same songs to a new audience every week. People pay at the door before even hearing the performance. VERY similar to the auto votes here. But if those people found out the performer is just sitting on stage while their track plays in the background, they'd want their money back. I think it's lazy to repost and collect auto votes, so I don't do it. I also think that's taking advantage of curators who trust me to perform at my best, so I don't repost constantly. That doesn't mean these are the rules. That's just how I roll. If I want to attract attention to old work, I can, easily, and I've done it plenty of times. If people want to tip, they can. This platforms lacks actual consumers though. Everyone came here to get paid, not pay people. I've been pointing out the lack of consumers for years.

As for the music contest. That bonus prize was short lived. I said I'd split my winnings for the next three rounds. That was four rounds ago. I think it's ridiculous they would downvote that post. If the reposts are the problem, focus on those. The rest of this flexing can fuck off.


I concur on all counts.

Maybe it will get better.

@offgridlife creativity is coming up with new things, not posting the same shit endlessly.

You cry a lot.