Does Life worth the Fights and the struggles?

in GEMS29 days ago

I have always maintained a habit of a daily reflection on the essence of life. I think about all the fatigues people go through just to make ends meet and what they gain at the end. I think about how some persons are not even involved in so much of a hard work and things just come their way as if they are sons of gods. Some times I am pushed to say that life is unfair but of course, such thoughts are never resolvable as other thoughts creep in to counter any hasty conclusion.


The perfection of life lies in the fact of the quality of good and bad, the poor and the rich, the beautiful and the ugly and a continuous mention of such words and opposites. Thus, if the world is only a make up of positovities, then it wouldn't be a perfect creation. However, does it mean that God is the creator of the negatives?? These are the issues that philosophers have grappled upon for so many years and of which has remained an unresolved discourse.

Every life has a purpose. I can't actually say that every life's purpose is fixed by God because that would lead to the question of God fixing people to be in some critically bad situations. I would rather say that nature decides the fate of every life with events and environments of such lives.

What am I saying? I mean to say that, everyone has a potential to be whatever thing in life but determined by one's environment and also one's effort towards that becoming. A child born in the ghetto would be influenced by the life lived there and may turn out to be either just like the others there who live by the swords or he or she finds light in a personal decision to go out of that societal life to becoming something else.

In this case, whatever one is to become in life will largely be due to one's readiness to make some sacrifices which most often are not palatable but of course for the sake of the end, the sacrifices are worth their pain.

Thus, personally, I wouldn't think that any price is too heavy to be paid for a life's destination in as much as it is about a good end. The prices paid are only a fraction of the persons existence and as such it is nothing at all to be regretted for.

What about when one pays such heavy prices for an expected end and still does not end up with it? Every price paid never leaves one without a gain. You have gained an experience which without such price wouldn't have come your way. Thus, still no regretts.

Personally, I grew up in a tensed environment. An environment which in Nigeiran local language is called the childre of Omo get inside, that is, an overly restricted life. We were not allowed to associate with the neighborhood because our parents thought that the neighborhood would corrupt us to becoming wayward children.

Our lives revolved around, the room, the school environment, the church and the room. Because of this, I never learnt how to play any sport until I grew up to be alone. The first time I played a game on a field of play, I was a total mess to the game of football and after the event I felt like I was going to die.


However, I had my thoughts well fixed and a target of what I want to become. I got to meet people and talked about life and got more exposed with life. The university life helped me to conquer that enclosed life style which was never the best for me.

I had to pay a price to alleviate myself and my siblings from those shackles by having to fight with my parents and trying to prove to them that such life pattern wasn't the best. It took moments of heated arguments but of course it was worth it. I was threatened of being withdrawn from school if that was the cause of such an attitude but I never cared. And after so many fights, I think I won.


My parents all of a sudden changed and when my younger ones graduated from secondary school, they were allowed to go out and work if they wished as they prepared to go to the higher institution. More also, they could have friends come home and visit them but of course, my mother would always give time limit, hehe.

I am glad I took those actions that actually changed things. First of all, the acceptance that something was wrong about my life and then the bold step to confront the matter. We need to stand up to our fights in life. Life should be lived and not just spent.

Thanks for reading through. This is in response to the thinkers corner challenge by @kenechukwu97 . Its a pleasure to participate this month.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This experience you shared is very relatable in most African homes. There is always these set of parents that wants to protect their kids to the point where the kids become completely naive of what the real world is about. In a similar ways there are also a category of parents who are carefree to a fault... They allow their kids to just wake up and go wandering and they don't mind having their kids come home in the middle of the night after aimless mingling. Such kids become too exposed to the world at a very young age.

Looking at these, striking a balance between the two is always the best approach that can be taken.

It's commendable of you to step up and contend with your parents about the issue you noticed. Your younger siblings got an opportunity to take a route that befits them the most because you stepped up to fight for them and help your parents see a different pattern of raising kids. Hehe.

Well Done, Bro.

Yea I agree with you bro, a balance is the best.
Yea, I am glad I actually did that, it was like a disease in my life thT needed a cure and I never wanted it to continue in the line

Well that is Africa for you. Though sometimes you don't blame our parents because the society today has turned to what we don't know so we don't trust anyone to allow our children with them.

Maybe you will also act like them one day when you become a father.
Thanks for sharing

Hmm, me I will not act like that o, hehe
Thank you ma for visiting

Sometimes I find it hard to understand those who were restricted and I’m always curious to know how they embraced the elite outside the four corners of their home. This is interesting to know that you didn’t even know how to play any sport until you grew wow.

I’m also glad in the end you took those actions.


Yea I am glad for myself too
It's not really easy for those caged in the house all in the name of trying to give them the best of home training
Well, our African parents need to learn better

First came the acceptance and the rest followed accordingly..
Thank God for positive results.. Well done boss🙌🏽


Tanchiu my madam
U too much

You're welcome sir

You did take a bold step to let your parents know the lifestyle they decide you guys should lead. Though, I do have to confess that it is kinda good. You know, but... them doing that makes the children's eyes closed to the world because you all won't be with them forever just like you... you went to university and had to experience life on your own. The kind of life you weren't used to.

....and, doing that, you were able to stand up amd fight and I am glad they realised and did the needful as well. God bless you all.