in GEMS3 years ago


It has been a nice ride all this while, with an heavy heart, I would love to announce to you that this is the last of the learn and earn, an official closure of the #LEARNANDEARN contest. I would love to appreciate all who have participated in the contest so far and also a hug and thank you to @brittandjosie for the wonderful opportunity given to me in carrying out this amazing contest, I really do appreciate.

My stay here in #hive have been a great experience and I'm truly thankful for it, have been having a bit of challenge which has contributed in taking my time here in #hive but I know with time it will all be settled. Don't limit yourself from learning, there are amazing things that you can learn in #hive and also around your surroundings, try not to be limited while learning. The contest is ending doesn't mean that you shouldn't engage in more contents, my best advice I would give to you is, if you want to grow well in #hive then you do well to increase your engagement in this space. The more your engagement, the more solid you become.

I read a nice post today about beer review by @mistakili which I have added to my todo list, after accomplishing this, I would try to make a post on it and also make more posts on most of the things I have learnt here in hive most especially the different tasty recipes I have come in contact with. It's good to learn but it's great to try out and put in practice that which you have learnt.


In week #29, we had entry from:
Post by @merit.ahama
Post by @gaboamc2393

You guys did a lovely job in sharing some of your learning curve so others can also learn from them. I'm happy with @gaboamc2393, you are willing to learn and correct your mistake whenever you are corrected, please keep it up. This is a wrap up and I would love to wish each and everyone of you a wonderful week ahead, thank you.


I am truly proud that you did it so many weeks. So thank you now I will
Take back my contest and I will move on with it. I read that you are taking me time. I wish you well and will continue with the contest like I did the first 30 weeks


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it. I hope to participate when you start handling the contest 🤗

Keep an eye on hive

I definitely will

It has been a nice ride with you ma'am. Thanks to you, I became fond of reading and learning since I joined Hive.

I will always put that in mind to learn as much as I can although I'll miss your contest ma'am 😊

Stay well ma'am

You are welcome dear, but the contest won't end here. Brittandjosie will take it up from here, be on the look out for it

Lol let’s know how it goes,...enjoy


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