My Gallery (312) Pendants

in GEMS9 months ago (edited)

I decided to test whether I can make some interesting pendants for my friends.
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I rolled the clay to be very, very thin and then used some stamps on it. I cut out the stamps with a very sharp piercing needle and a mini knife. I also cut out a different shapes that I could think of like a heart, or a stick. The clay stayed very soft because I was spraying water on it constantly.
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After the first baking, the clay looked like this. I had to color it with special watercolor, or with glaze. I colored most of my pendants with light blue, green, blue, and pink color. And, I put them in the glaze as well.
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Here the pendants are ready for their second baking. The glazed pendants look gray and white mostly but after baking their real color will show up nicely.
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This is the result. Some pieces are brown though. I think the combination of glaze, watercolor, and color of the clay changes the resulting color of the pendant.

Therefore I can recommend to use only white clay and sometimes only clear glaze. I think I will remember this in the future. But I like all of my pendants because they were fun to make.
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