in GEMS2 years ago

Supposedly, that's why we got them.

Cats and kittens, for a long time, I avoided them on our homestead. But.... rats and mice exist in the wild, and therefore they show up on the homestead too. This is working out though, as the photos will show. Pinkie thought it would be a good idea to take some photos of this kitten with its recent catch. The cats are working! Enjoy the photos!


Until next time…

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Dinner for one. 😺

Do we need a new #ProofOfMouse token?

aww the hunter cat, poor mouse! It seems the cat was posing for your photos lol

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Jejeje tan comica la carita del michu con su apetitoso ruedor 😹😹😹

Que curioso, mi gato se esconde cuando agarra un raton😂😂