"My Friend ( Bro. Jonathan ) Photo Leaf Artwork🍃"

in GEMSlast year


Good day everyone...sharing my latest Leaf Art carving mini blog thanks to my friend Bro Jonathan for promoting my Leaf artworks on his blog and page.

I hope you like my carving of your face as my thanks for helping me by promoting my Leaf Art to your social media platforms and page.

To all those who want face carving, don't be shy to ask questions or massage on my social media platforms.

As my view of debt to all my customers, friends, acquaintances, fellow artists, I will never tired of thanking you for your good deeds every time I posted my art on the leaves.

And here to my hive family who shaped my talent and encouraged me to post and blog my art always, thank you very much, I will continue to engrave your photos.






Hi guys, I am Jaypoy Sucal living near at Canuman mountain in Tarlac, Philippines. I am an Artist who loves making Leaf art, Charcoal drawing, Colored Pencil Painting, and Pointilism.
Leaf Art is I am focus right now because of lack of materials in making arts and financially. I learn how to make Arts out of Leaves which is abundant in our place especially living near mountains. I pray to God that He take care for all of us especially you for taking your precious time in visiting my post. God bless you
Please support me, you can visit my collection in https://nftshowroom.com/sucal/gallery



That's really cool! ^^