"My Kind of Vacation "

in GEMS10 months ago


Hello guys, good day everyone, I just want to share with you all my vacation in our place in Mindanao, a very happy and fun vacation in my life this year.

This days I will not post my leaf art because I am currently going on vacation in our province here in Mindanao.

That I'll just share the events of my vacation, a simple but very happy vacation that I experienced and felt.

I'm so happy that I saw my loved ones, but my vacation is only 3 weeks so I'm making the most of it, nothing can beat the happiness in my heart to be with my family.

We do a lot with my siblings and my parents, we go for a walk every day, cook, go shopping, go to other places in our town with us, it's just a different feeling to be with your real family.

I will soon return to Pampanga to do my work again, maybe it will be a while before I can return to my family here.

But anyway, this is how life really is, it's not always not all fun, there's also sadness and patience, so I can only say that when you're with your family, cherish every day you're with them because not everyone is lucky to be with family.

Love your parents especially in their old age, that's what I regret because I haven't been with my mom and dad and my siblings for a long time because of the hardships of life you have to work far away I have to support myself and help them.

But even so, I'm happy that I can always go on vacation with them every year now, we have endless laughs, jokes, stories, cooking here, visiting there, whatever we can think of to eat.

That I also miss my family, I always want to talk to them and we only talk about happy stories and we can't help but feel sad because then we will be apart again.

Life is like that, not everyone stays, someday you need to go,thanks to everyone who took the time to read my mini blog vacation.

I hope you guys will continue to support me in all my blogs. I'm sorry for my little ability to make my blog. Thank you very much guys God bless everyone ♥.













Hi guys, I am Jaypoy Sucal living near at Canuman mountain in Tarlac, Philippines. I am an Artist who loves making Leaf art, Charcoal drawing, Colored Pencil Painting, and Pointilism.
Leaf Art is I am focus right now because of lack of materials in making arts and financially. I learn how to make Arts out of Leaves which is abundant in our place especially living near mountains. I pray to God that He take care for all of us especially you for taking your precious time in visiting my post. God bless you
Please support me, you can visit my collection in https://nftshowroom.com/sucal/gallery



I agree that life is not always happy; there's a mixture of sadness, but that's how life is designed.

It seems you had a great time with family.