Things I can't say Good by to

in GEMS8 months ago

There are unique things that make me who I am today and if these things vanish from my life, I would be empty and my whole existence might just be boring. These things were created and made for me that's why I do them with so much ease and I do them well too.

Every day we engage in different activities, even our hobbies too at leisure, but you could tell that there are most engagements you dread but you just have to do them because it is important and necessary.
Meanwhile, there are some that even when you are tired and stressed, and worn out, you still find yourselves doing it wholeheartedly.
I would love to share mine.🤭

Children business


I talk about kids a lot right, it's even my signature for most people that know me very well. I could sacrifice a whole day and night taking care of them. Feeding them, bathing them, putting them to sleep, teaching them, and having a lot of fun with them. I wouldn't spend much time with an adult as such. But you see those tiny creatures. I could do anything for them. Funny enough, I don't even select the kind of children I should take care of. I believe since my journey with children started I have come across a wide range of children from different backgrounds and conditions. Even the one with health conditions I don't mind as well.


There's always this connection whenever I am with a child. I always want to telepath whilst with them. I could tell their problems, worries, and fears and I could also tell their happiness and when they need it. Talk less about when they want food or sleep, I could tell.
Well, I can't spend much time like that with an adult, I would be so bored no matter the conversation, it gets so boring but you see those little creatures I could sacrifice so much energy, time, and resources on them.


Listening to music and singing as well.


Imagine there was no music, ahhhhh earth will be so boring. I pity my phone most times because as early as I rise to engage in domestic chores, I play music.
I sing along and most times I am already having a feeling that I use to disturb my neighbors. Most times I would use a music box to amplify the sound. Even when the music box gets low and switches off I would continue singing.
Talk more when I am in the bathroom, Holy Jesus when the shower is running, and am still trying my best to sing out loud😂😂. What a life there was no music.
I sing a lot, and even when I am tired, I would still sing. Even when I am sick, I would still sing. Funny enough the weather doesn't affect the voice come rain come shine.


There are other fun activities to do like reading a book, seeing a movie, playing games, cooking, shopping, and hanging out with friends. All these things but I get tired most times while doing them. But for the other two, I mentioned earlier that I'm addicted to it.


Without music, life would be a mistake
~Friedrich Nietzsche

I totally agree that without music, life would be really boring!

Thanks for sharing these!


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