A new beginning in Web Development | I have decided to resume my learning [EN/ES]

in GEMS2 months ago (edited)


Últimamente estoy practicando programación todas las noches sin falta. Parece ser que he avanzado lo suficiente como para cubrir lo básico o aquello que tienen en común los demás lenguajes de programación. Sin embargo, estoy muy lejos de mi objetivo que es desarrollar cosas increíbles que aporten valor tecnológico.

Decidí que era buena idea retomar el lenguaje que conocí en la universidad, pero esta vez explorándolo por completo. Dicen que como base el lenguaje C es muy bueno debido a que es un tipo de programación de bajo nivel y estimula la lógica y el razonamiento de la mente frente a todo tipo de problemas que vayan surgiendo. Más que nada me pareció excelente idea eso de acceder a memoria y administrarla, el uso de punteros y funciones que debas utilizar en conjunto para que un programa funcione eficientemente.

Para ello, aparte de revisar mis apuntes de clase, encontré un sitio en donde podía aprender la base de la programación en C. Lo que me interesaba era repasar todo y ver si había algo que no había aprendido para dominar también esa parte. Para ello tomé este curso gratuito de Codecademy.

Lately I've been practicing programming every night without fail. It seems that I've progressed enough to cover the basics or what other programming languages have in common. However, I am still far from my goal of developing amazing things that bring technological value.

I decided it was a good idea to revisit the language I knew in college, but this time exploring it fully. They say that as a base, the C language is very good because it is a type of low-level programming that stimulates logic and reasoning in the mind when facing all kinds of problems that may arise. Above all, I thought it was an excellent idea to access memory and manage it, the use of pointers and functions that you must use together for a program to work efficiently.

To do this, in addition to reviewing my class notes, I found a site where I could learn the basics of programming in C. What interested me was to go over everything and see if there was something I hadn't learned to also master that part. So, I took this free course on Codecademy.



No parece faltarme mucho, pues esta es la última sección. Lo interesante es que cada una de ellas comparten conocimiento y me parece una buena forma de relacionar e incluso reforzar cada concepto aprendido durante el curso. Posiblemente una vez que termine me ponga a buscar qué cosas me quedaron sin aprender que me ayuden a estimular la lógica de la programación antes de pasar a un lenguaje que lo simplifique todo.

Para retomar mi aprendizaje hacia la dirección que quiero encarar, que es la del desarrollo web, elegí un curso de Platzi que ya había hecho anteriormente pero dejé cuando me anoté en al menos 4 materias de la universidad. Esta vez me gustaría finalizar ese curso de una manera que me ayude a continuar este camino el cual me parece muy prometedor.

En este curso lo que estaría aprendiendo sería HTML, CSS, JavaScript y Node.js. Creo que sabiendo esto podría dirigirme hacia la dirección correcta, aunque siempre tuve dudas de que si lo que quería aprender realmente era Python. La verdad es que aún no me decido pero no puedo dejar seguir pasando el tiempo y debo tomar acción ya mismo, por lo que esta fue mi elección y luego, una vez finalizado el curso, ver cómo está mi rendimiento y si las ideas por fin se me han aclarado. Un sueño sería poder programar para Hive.

It doesn't seem like I have much left, as this is the final section. The interesting thing is that each of them share knowledge and it seems to me a good way to relate and even reinforce each concept learned during the course. Possibly once I finish, I will start looking for what things I have left to learn that will help me stimulate programming logic before moving on to a language that simplifies everything.

To resume my learning towards the direction I want to pursue, which is web development, I chose a course from Platzi that I had already taken before but left when I enrolled in at least 4 subjects at university. This time, I would like to finish this course in a way that helps me continue this path, which seems very promising to me.

In this course, I would be learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js. I think by knowing this, I could head in the right direction, although I always had doubts whether what I really wanted to learn was Python. The truth is, I still haven't decided but I can't let time pass any further and I must take action right away, hence this was my choice and then, once the course is completed, see how my performance is and whether my ideas have finally become clear. A dream would be to be able to program for Hive.


¿Qué tiene que ver esto con HoloZing? Básicamente retomaré el curso pero enfocándome en crear un mini juego a modo de proyecto de curso. Es decir, empezaré de cero pero con la idea en mente de incluir los personajes de HoloZing. Esto sin dudas me motivaría mucho ya que podría mostrar mis avances, y en el camino, aprender nuevas cosas por mi cuenta.

Este curso también tiene una parte en la que aprenderé Backend, lo cual es simplemente emocionante ya que nunca he aprendido algo así. Ya finalizándolo debería de estar aprendiendo a crear un juego multijugador, pero ya veremos cuando llegue a esa instancia.

Por el momento lo principal es prestar atención, aprender cada uno de los rincones de la tecnología y buscar superarme todos los días para construir cosas sorprendentes.

What does this have to do with HoloZing? Basically, I will take up the course again but focusing on creating a mini game as a course project. In other words, I will start from scratch but with the idea in mind of including the HoloZing characters. This would definitely motivate me a lot since I could showcase my progress, and along the way, learn new things on my own.

This course also has a part where I will learn Backend, which is simply exciting since I have never learned something like that before. By the end of it, I should be learning how to create a multiplayer game, but we'll see when I get to that point.

For now, the main thing is to pay attention, learn every corner of the technology, and strive to improve myself every day to build amazing things.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good for you! I haven't programmed since college. My career path led me away from it and I've always missed it. I've tired to get back in but it's a lot of learning and I'm not 21 anymore so it takes longer!

Sigue adelante y buena suerte!

I have read many cases of people who changed their profession to IT. They have done very well because apparently, enjoying the process much more made them improve their skills. It seems that it is never too late to learn.

Thank you very much for your comment! 😊

Estaré super feliz de ver como se desarrolla tu idea, y ver como ese juego multijugador pueda verse al final de todo, hace un tiempo tome algunos cursos gratuitos en una plataforma llamada Udemy, en ella encuentras una gran variedad de cursos interesante y en español, puede que te interese pasar por allí a ver si encuentras algo de tu agrado.


¡Lo tendré realmente en cuenta! Cualquier cosa que complemente lo que vaya aprendiendo es bien recibido. Le echaré el ojo a esa plataforma, gracias.

Programming is not as difficult as people think. Being IT graduate, I found tough to use Python believe me. But HTML, CSS, JavaScript all are easy for me. Thank you for sharing a good website where I can learn C type programming.

I am very interested in Python, although the truth is that I don't really know where to go. With JavaScript and the other technologies I know I can go for web development.

Exactly you can also develop an application as well. Python is essential nowadays in many things. You can take its online classes. There are many YouTube Tutorials available.

Yeehaw! Keep riding that coding trail, cowboy! Your determination to learn and grow is as bright as a desert sunrise. Stick to your goals and soon you'll be wrangling those technological marvels like a pro! Keep pushing forward, and remember, the only way to succeed is to keep trying.

Thank you for your encouraging words! 😄

I will try to continue and beat my goals.

Keep on ridin', partner. Your journey is your own, and every step you take is a victory. Enjoy the stillness of this moment and let it fuel your determination. Happy trails ahead!

Good that you are taking initiative to learn !! Nowadays for web development react app( a javascript franework) is very easy to learn… there is a full youtube tutorial about that , it helped me to learn.

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Taking the initiative in what we find exciting undoubtedly brings us closer to achieving our goals, although we must not fall behind, no matter how complex it may be.

Thanks for recommending this tutorial! I will keep it in mind when I have to choose a framework.


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