Angular Velocity: Weekly update 09/01/23

in Game Dev 🕹️9 months ago


This week in AV:

Sickness plagued out household for most of this week slowing down development, but we were still able to eke out a few updates.


Because everyone likes pretty pictures

City Level

Looking better and better. We have all the building basically in place, next will be things like ship paths and billboards. All the little things that make cities look and feel alive.

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 11-41-56.png

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 11-37-16.png

Minor Visual updates

No image for this just yet, but we're starting to experiment with texture layering and the like to give players the ability to create their own branding on their ships. Seeing it in the recent Armored Core game validates the idea, even if we're not the first it will still be an awesome addition and I look forward to seeing what people create!


AI - Update

Looks like we jumped the gun a little on the AI front. Though the basic game mechanics are in place our play tests show they aren't quite there yet. Since know one likes re-writing code we're going to hold off until the players feel good about everything, then the bots can be created to follow the same basic rules and be governed by the same logic.

Game Play

We can Fly,Catch,Throw,and Score with the best of them, but things like passing, using special moves, being damaged, etc. have only been implemented in basic ways. Once those features are done we can fully create bots that act like players, and more importantly we can start showing of video of game play!


Hopefully the sick has run its course through our household and I can get back to my usual schedule.