Boulder Sunday ❤ Number 104


Nothing I like better than rocks, boulders and mountains!


Captain Cook park in Alaska at low tide there are many rocks and boulders to be seen. The tall mountain cone to the left is mount Redoubt volcano.


This was late fall early winter time frame.


This is a good beach to hunt for agates, jasper and other pretty stones.

Bring your own baggies!



#colourblackandwhite ☯ by @daveks
Community hive-150015



#bouldersunday by @shasta
All the boulder posts
since the stone age.
First posting Nov 4th 2018




© Photos and words by @shasta
Jan 6th 2023 11:11 PM O'rock Alaska



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 137 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you very much ❤ @pixresteemer! :-)

Superb photography over the water, interesting place to rock hunt. Oh that volcano topped with snow reminds me of a movie we saw during school years "Rivers of fire and Ice".

@tipu curate

Thank you ❤ @joanstewart! :-) It is a fun place to rock hunt
tho a long way to carry them back to where you park lol
That movie sounds interesting, was it a geology type?

Old volcanic rock is heavy, we have brought a couple back from trips, reminders of the beauty a little closer to home !LOLZ

Movie was at school shown on a projector in the hall, in South Africa evidence of the history is around, but no active volcanoes nor ice normally, educational documentary for science scholars.

Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows?
I understand they're really marking headlines.

Credit: reddit
@shasta, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

I love this shot. The scale of the beach, boulders and distant mountains is vast in a way you only get in Alaska.

Thank you ❤ @steven-patrick! That is what I also love
about Alaska, this vastness is so vast! :-)

Nothing I like better than rocks, boulders and mountains!

Seriously? Nothing at all?

Seriously, but that can also change and be added to ❤ @galenkp! :-)

Haha, yeah there's always room for more good stuff. 😊

You know it!! :-)

You have shown the beauty of Alaska in the vastness of the landscape, err seascape in color and B&W. 💕