Other Things I Like ☀ Sunsets


This posting was inspired by a question on my last post. I thought about what @galenkp said in the comments. You will have to go read the comments to find out whats going on! lol


You can just see a small chunk of the sun in the clouds.


Nothing I like better than a sunset over Cook inlet in Alaska. But then again sunrises are also just as sweet!


See the little knob in the distance about in the center of this photograph? That is mount Augustine volcano. There is a little bit of a Fata Morgana going on from the extreme cold which makes it appear more poked up above the horizon.


Alaska Volcano Observatory page shows a couple erupting out a long the Aleutian chain. Great Sitkin and Semisopochnoi. Also check out the live web cam, best viewed when it is daylight here.




#colourblackandwhite ☯ by @daveks
Community hive-150015




© Photos and words by @shasta
Jan 13th 2023 11:11 PM O'rock Alaska



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Oh damn, thats big isn't it!! If you can see the blotch on a photo so far away it has to be enormous!!


Cook Inlet is indeed beautiful. I have only been to Alaska once but I yearn to return everytime I see its beauty in your posts 🙂

That scene is so beautiful!

We featured your photograph in our @PhotoCuration selection, congrats!

Wow, wow, wow. Thanks for the webcam. Going to share that with my son. He'll love it!