My Cleaning Activity For Monday the 6th of May, 2024.

in CLEAN PLANET4 months ago

Good day, fellow hivers, welcome to my blog.

I carried out my cleaning activity within a public school, the school had closed and there were many intruders playing football within the premises. They had littered the school with different wastes. Illegal dumping is one of the most problematic and dangerous practices in solid waste management. It occurs when individuals or organizations dispose of waste in unauthorized areas, such as roadsides, vacant lots, fields, riverbanks, or directly into water bodies.

Improper disposal of waste, especially hazardous materials, can pose serious risks to human health through the spread of diseases, exposure to toxic substances, and the breeding of disease vectors like rodents and insects.
Illegal dumping sites are unsightly and detract from the overall cleanliness and beauty of the surrounding environment.
Illegal dumping is often a punishable offence, with fines and legal penalties for those caught in the act.
The solution to illegal dumping requires a multipronged approach, including public education, strengthening waste management infrastructure, improving access to legal waste disposal facilities, and enforcing strict regulations and penalties against offenders.

These pictures show how I carried out my cleaning activity.












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