Starting My Waterleaf Garden: A Journey Towards Freshness and Sustainability

Hello everyone, happy Sunday to you.
Yesterday I started a new journey in my garden life, gardening has always been something of passion to me, and yesterday I embarked on an exciting new gardening, starting my very own waterleaf garden. I know some people wonder what waterleaf is, scientifically known as Talinum triangulare, is a leafy green common here in Nigeria, it's a vegetable that is not only nutritious but also relatively easy to grow by anyone who chooses to grow it and because of it's high nutritional value which contain vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium. Its soft, succulent leaves are perfect for soups, stews, and salads, making it a versatile addition to my kitchen. The beautiful this that it can be grown even using the Seedbed method if you don't have enough farmland.

My reason for growing waterleaf was inspired by my desire to have a consistent supply of fresh, organic vegetables right at my doorstep. I really like to eat fresh and raw vegetables directly from the farm. With the rising concerns about the excessive use of pesticides and my desire for healthier food, I had to have my own home garden as a step towards sustainability and self sufficiency, I usually don't like the fact that I want to make a dish and I'm running out of vegetables so I had ti grow them myself.

Selecting the Site

Waterleaf grows better in a well-drained environment, a fertile soil with plenty of organic matter. I chose this particular spot in my farmland that receives much sunlight.
I began by tilling the soil and adding compost to enrich it with nutrients, the compost are a make up of animals waste because waterleaf grows best in soil that is rich in organic matter, so composting was an essential step that I needed to take in other to be sure of a promising future. So yesterday I started planting the stems. This is just part of the activity because I had to go back tomorrow to continue to make sure I fill up the space I have filled.