Visiting my ogu farm today

Hello great farmers, how are you all doing today? I am very Happy to share a post here today. I am sharing about the visitation to my ogu farm.
I want to say i am very Happy about the growth of my vegetable crop. I planted it, weed it and has 🐝 some week i have not visit it.

The farm was not doing good when i visited it last, so i choose to apply so manure on the farm and when i visit it today everything was just green. I am so happy about it and i have sale it to someone to cut it because is really much. At least i have been able to make a little money from my farm.

I also have so experience that when you weed your farm, apply manure it will do supper well.
Thanks guys so your time

 26 days ago  

@tipu curate

Thanks so much for your support, I really appreciate