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RE: [ENG-SPA] How the passion fruit became my muse.

Passionfruit brings back childhood memories to me.

As young kids, we were pretty naughty back then, often stealing fruits and flowers from our neighbors' backyards, that's history tho... Back in the days, we eat passionfruit with a sprinkle of salt. It was sour but addicting, lol!

Two days, we went fruit-picking at the family farm, but we weren't able to harvest passionfruits. We were just too busy with guavas, rambutans, and coconuts.

I forgot how we call it locally tho...


Thank goodness that time is behind you hahaha; as children we are always in search of adventures hehehe.
Patchita with salt, it must be an exposive mixture xD.
In my country we eat green mango with salt and it is also addictive jijii.
Thanks for stopping by.