My parsley plantation in my garden

Hello community, today I share with you another activity in my garden here at home.
This planting season is also a good time to renew some plants here in my garden.
I love parsley, whether for culinary purposes or for its intense smell, which I love.
In my garden, my parsley that I sowed lasted almost a year, I harvested several branches several times that I love to use in culinary recipes, I even gave some of these plants to my father who needed them and he planted them in his garden and it was great to see after a few weeks the beautiful parsley plants in your garden.
In my garden I decided to renew it by removing the plants, some of which were already thin, and renewing them.
I went to the market and bought some parsley plants.
I arrived in my garden, cleaned my bed, removed the old and thorny plants, dug the earth and placed these parsley plants well distributed across the land.
Then, water well with a watering can or even a hose, trying not to add too much water at a time, just enough so that the soil settles close to the roots and base of the plant and remains moist.


















How much would it cost to deliver here in the Philippines? 😁 Congratulations on your parsley plantation.

How much would it cost to deliver here in the Philippines? 😁 Congratulations on your parsley plantation.

Thank you for enjoying my parsley plantation. I love parsley, its smell and taste

I'm unfamiliar with it, but as you say, you love it. It's good to hear.

You look enjoying planting the parsley in your garden. It would be good to see soon reaping what you have sown.

You look enjoying planting the parsley in your garden. It would be good to see soon reaping what you have sown.

I promise to share when my parsley plantation is ready to harvest