Harvesting cassava in the garden for the first time

Today is a special day in our family's garden and it is time to harvest the cassava in the plant garden that we have cared for so painstakingly for months. The cassava fruit that grows in fertile soil looks very tempting and I immediately took the cassava fruit from the garden.

We feel happy to see the results of our hard work. The cassava fruit we picked looked so fresh and promising. Not only that, cassava leaves are also very green and fresh. I didn't want to waste this opportunity, so I took cassava leaves to make vegetables at home with my family and felt very happy.

The process of harvesting cassava is not easy, but seeing the results makes all the hard work pay off. We are grateful for the gifts given by nature, so that we can enjoy this abundant harvest. Cassava is not only a source of food for us, but also a symbol of persistence and tenacity in work.

Apart from that, what makes us happy is when we see our family enjoying dishes from cassava that we harvest ourselves. It feels so satisfying and gives a sense of pride. We learned that with hard work and perseverance, the results obtained will be commensurate with the effort that has been given.

but this is also the beginning of incomparable happiness and satisfaction for me and I am very happy, I am grateful for everything that God has given us as a family and we are committed to continuing to care for our cassava plants with all our heart. Hopefully this harvest will be a blessing for our family and an inspiration for others to never give up in facing all obstacles in farming in the garden. Thank you for seeing my post this time when I harvested cassava. Best wishes always to my friends in here and enjoy a beautiful day with your beloved family.

 27 days ago  

@tipu curate

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency