HivePakistan Curation Compilation #148


Hey everyone! We hope you are having a great day. This will be our #148 episode of Hive Pakistan Daily Picks.

As part of our commitment to the Hive community, we present our daily curation compilation, a showcase of exceptional content from our talented userbase. This compilation serves as a living example of the creativity, dedication, and diversity within and outside of the Hive Pakistan community.

Our Picks:

By: @tahastories1
Butterfly Bookmark 🔖| Crafting Day
Curated By: @aslamrer

Posted In: Hive Diy
It's Sunday.... So I thought to kill my time with a little creativity. Soon after getting up I ran to find a white paper to make a bookmark. I got white sheet from my friend in the hostel and then I sat on chair to just start my work. Idea of making butterfly bookmark was given by @artbeat as she sent me a Material The material I used to make butterfly bookmark is ; White Sheet Black pointer Lead Pencil Scissors Process So many things were sprawled on table. There were acrylic colors and blue color sheet but they were of no use, as in this craft I only need white sheet ...

By: @mypathtofire
Splinterlands - Time Spent in Splinterlands
Curated By: @tahastories1

Posted In: Splinterlands
Hello SplinterFam! As part of Splinterlands celebrating their 6th anniversary, I thought I would share my time spent in Splinterlands and what my daily grind looks like. Early Morning Grind I am an early morning Splinterlands grinder. Checking in on Splinterlands is one of the first tasks that I usually like to do in the morning. First of all, I log onto my account and check the status of my brawl matches and make sure I have played all my rounds and any new results. I am usually filling fray 12 in my guild and here it is gold league level caps ...

By: @jacey.boldart
Study 1..... Chapter 3
Curated By: @amberkashif

Posted In: art
..... boring title ! 😂 Happeeee Saturdayyyyyyy ! Well, it is for me, finally. Worked again this morning, not voluntary. I know, whine, whine, whine ...

By: @selfhelp4trolls
My expanding sphere of influence
Curated By: @amberkashif

Posted In: Cross Culture
As I’ve mentioned in multiple posts before, I treat life like a mirror. Of course I have no way to prove this but my life has consistantly shown me that my inner experience and outer experience will reflect each other. So I often look at what is going on in my life or in the world, words I come across and artistic messages in media, similar situations between friends and strangers. I examine to see what kind of paraellels I can draw, what kind of lessons are hiding in plain sight and and also to see how different things evoke different emotions and bring up different memories. Recently two things struck out and I got an inkling of what they may be telling me. The first is in a game I have been playing for a long time now to study Japanese, Persona 5 ...

By: @pari.warsh
Fan of Heena Tattoos
Curated By: @aslamrer

Posted In: Hive Learners
Assalam o Alikum Hopefully you all are doing well. I am participating first time in Hive learneras Today I decided to draw a heena tattoo design on my own hand. I hope you will like my Art. I just use a Cone Mehndi for Making Heena tatoo Process I just took a mehndi and started to draw a circle on the lower left edge of my left hand. Here I want to tell you that why i choose my left hand? ? ...

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Key Features Of Hive Pakistan

HivePakistan Exclusive: While we curate content from all over Hive, the #HivePakistan tag helps us monitor and discover Pakistani creators. If you're not from Pakistan, kindly refrain from using this tag, as our curators will organically curate your content even without the tag. Misuse of the tag may result in a missed curation opportunity.

Support: Have questions or doubts related to Hive? We've got you covered! Pose your queries in HivePakistan Discord's #pak-help channel, where assistance is provided in both Urdu and English. We hope this opportunity to clarify your doubts in the local language will be beneficial to many.

Become a Curator: Dedicated Pakistani Hivers can apply to become a curator and get access to curate at least twice a day using @hivepakistan account as long as curations are organic. Join us in recognizing and rewarding quality content!

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Practices To Avoid: Always powering down, being active on steemit, and recycling old content may result in getting less or no support.

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💚 Follow our Curation Trail and don't miss voting! 💚



Thanks for the pick team.

Thanks for the pic team😊😊

Thank you so much @amberkashif ! I appreciate your kind support.

Thanks also to @hivepakistan