POBphotocontest New Round: Low Angle Shot

in Proof of Brain29 days ago

Hello everybody,

Hmm, I am knew to this photography shot, as I scroll on my phones gallery, I saw a few and I chose this as my for this Round. Am not sure if this is a low angle shot. I just try this as an entry. Last December I was able to visit the Granny Squares Christmas tree, a project of our local Crochet Group. I am one of the maker of this 1200 pcs Crocheted Granny Squares joined together to form this huge Christmas Tree.


I donated 40 squares. The location is very far from our City about 2 hours drive. I was happy that day hubby liked to travel so I suggested we visit the site. At first, I really thought I can't take pictures because our son who was the driver, can't locate the venue we just round and round the area. Then, I asked the security guard where was it located, ahh, in the interior part of the huge building, it was at the back, cannot be seen on the main road and we parked farther. So, my son, my grandson which is always my videographer/photographer and me just walked to the venue while hubby who can't walk stayed inside the van.

Thankful I have a shot like this one, at least I have an entry. Thank you @friendlymoose for this Round. I learned a lot.

Thanks much for dropping by...



Wow! What a gynormous undertaking but with team effort it became possible! What a lovely Christmas tree and festive too!

Thank you much