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RE: The Strange Quests to Discredit Other People's Narratives...

On politics. Yes, I see this too in my country. The conservative party, currently in opposition (parliamentary system) seem only to be able to talk about what they don't like about the other side. It's seems like they're literally incapable of putting forward a policy platform of their own. From my point of view I have to agree: what the hell does any of this have to do with running a country?

On religion. Hypocrisy! Plenty of that in the realms of organised religion in my view, unfortunately. It's pretty laughable because the original message of most religions is at least partly a variation on treat others nicely. How quickly that is forgotten! But oh no, all is forgiven because I go sit in a building on a day we call 'Sunday.' and say and hear words... 😄

I mean no spite to those that are religious, either. I think that's great. Every individual has every right to worship in their own way. It's just a bit onerous when people are flagrantly hypocritical to the teachings of their own professed religion, hey?

As for the crypto side of things I haven't seen it, personally. I'm sure there's people out there who just seem to exist for the sake of negativity and tearing things down but thankfully I've been spared. Maybe if I were to start a project of my own the haters would appear, but for now that's not something I'm looking to do. I figure if you're doing something and your intentions are good, the appearance of haters should be taken as a good sign. People wouldn't bother if they didn't see value there. Who knows?

I really enjoyed your rant. Have an essay-length comment in return! 😄

(sorry) 😅


Yes, yes and yes.

The crypto geeks in particular can become quite ridiculous when you have people who are "all about Bitcoin" actually sitting there and calling all other crypto projects "scams." WTF, mate?

I mostly keep to myself, but it doesn't mean that I don't get exasperated when I find myself in the middle of their munted shitshows!


Ah oh yes, the pointlessly militant bitcoin maximalist set...

It's like a lot of things (religion, too), if they were truly confident about the strength or truth of their chosen whatever, they wouldn't waste time tearing down the other. Says more about the individual doing it than anything else.

Don't let them get to you! (Easier said than done, I know)

Always have to laugh at the skilful deployment of the word munted.
