Holiday Rush is ON! Get Orders in By December 8 to Guarantee Christmas Delivery or Get a Gift Card!

in HIVELIST3 years ago

Get your orders in by dec 8!.jpeg

The holiday rush is here and this year is definitely different with all these supply issues and such going on on a global scale. Our manufacturers have been on point on getting orders out to our customers in a timely manner, even a little quicker than we expect in allot of cases, but... That crazy holiday rush is here!

December 8th is the Deadline to Christmas Shipping!

If you are wanting to give the gift of some awesome merch from any of our Hivelist store vendors, you will need to get your orders in by December 8th to guarantee them delivered by Christmas!

Gift Cards Make a Great Gift Option!


Click here to get a Hivelist Store Gift Card!

We also have in store gift cards for sale on the Hivelist Store! That could be the better alternative for your loved ones so they can come shopping and find something they want from one of our awesome vendors, or they may want to get some of our ebooks or other digital downloads, which we are working on growing the catalog... We need more book authors and musicians that want to post their works, lol.

Gift cards can also be used to help invite and introduce people to our platform and what we are trying to build for the greater Hive community! They will see that we are trying to build a sustainable economy through cryptocurrencies.

The Holiday Rush is ON!!

Hope everyone has a safe and SANE holiday season! We will do everything we can to help make it a great one for you and your loved ones! Give them the gift of some awesome swag or an instore gift card they can use to find something they will love for themselves, and again, be introduced to our awesome Hive ecosystem!

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Hive Power Up Month Challenge - Winners List

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