FungiFriday - where is that stick?

in FungiFriday11 months ago

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It's like the last breath of life before total destruction. After the tree is gone and there is only a stump left, slowly, after some time, mosses, lichens and mushrooms show up feeding on the rotten tree flesh. And they will feed until it all falls apart and turns to compost.

It is interesting to watch though when they start to show up out of nowhere. More and more each year.

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And just as any other time when I see a nice bunch of fungi to shoot (or a nice spider or a kitten), I forget about anything else and all I want is to take as many photos as possible before they run away the sun hides/rain comes/camera batteries dies/card gets full... you name it. So I take dozens of photos and forget to touch them to check the texture, or at least pick some stick and poke them a bit. Maybe one of these days they will grab a stick too and poke me back. :p

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There were a few other tiny ones growing around too. No poking again, but I did catch a tiny fly on one of them.

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All cozy among the needles.
I don't think these are edible, so I just took a couple of shots and left them alone.

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And so the rain came.
And everything to lovely and slimy :)

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The tiny ones that look like little white flowers looked amazing after the rain. Slimy - yes, but so shiny, as if they were made of glass or covered in ice.

And below is one of the very few I would pick, and oh so tasty! This one came home with me :)

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How to join #FungiFriday:

  • when Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images or text!)
  • add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)
  • Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.

Happy FungiFriday!

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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The cycle of life occurring. Nice photos- good that you did not poke nor got poked - that would be shocking. Lol
Some are so tiny - it is good that you are a fungi spotter as you have a eye for them.
Lovely photos.

The cycle of life occurring.

Indeed. Space and nutrients for the new generation of trees in the making :)

How are you dear friend @ewkaw good morning
I call this a beautiful mushroom hunt, I love watching this colony of mushrooms take over the trunk of this tree, sucking up every last bit of wood that's left of it.
I loved seeing the fly perched on the little mushroom.
Nice photos, I appreciate you sharing.
enjoy the weekend

Thanks, glad you like it :)
Have a great weekend!

Maybe one of these days they will grab a stick too and poke me back

Oh no! I certainly hope not - that would be ultra scary 😱

That last mushroom though - looks like the ones (Marone) that we used to pick in Germany when I was a kid. So yummy when made into a stirfry/stew.

Destruction before heading into a new start isn't it? Nature is at work, and sometimes it can be beautiful and tasty. haha

Oh yea! And there is so much happening all the time...

Haha 😂 That would be quite a scare if they poked back 😂

Where did find that boletus though?

In Poland last fall :)
Nothing this time and I didnt even take the cam to the woods.

There so many mushroom in Poland. It is mushroom country!

I expect all foods to have mushrooms. Especially the borgors!

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I guess it is the Circle of Life. I always thought the universe to be the original recycler.

It all has a purpose, right? :)

Good photos, interesting topic and I want more of that 😀