They don't grow here so I made one | Clay art

in FungiFriday2 months ago

A new friday, a new story and some new discoveries. One thing we are all familiar with is this emoji (🍄) which emerges when we write mushroom on our board, you know guys wht it's name is probably you might be aware if its name too it is Amanita-Muscaria. I wouldn't say that is something very rare but it is an international ideal inage we thought when someone say fungi. But they don't grow naturally in my region so I tried to make a tiny clay art piece if it ehen I read in the about of the community it was written "art, cooking or anything related to fungi is accepted" that's why I tried to do something new I hope Fungi Friday by @ewkaw wouldn't mind my entry for this challenge as I have never seen any art in this tiny but friendly community before.


I've used play clay for making this cute little fungus. Probably these will be frdt fungies you will see with two legs and two arms.

  • I have almost all colours of clay you can see so, foe making it frst make a round puffy hat of red clay and make a chubby base of white clay attach them.

  • Attach two tiny legs and two tiny arms to it made of white clay.

  • Add two closed baby eues and a sad face pose of his moith with a black pointer. Well I'm explaining each step here as well as I've made a complete video as well.

  • I've also addedsome feckles on his both cheeks to make it more cute and on the last step just some small white balls to make spores on the head and stick them on the top.

Final look

Oh look I finally found an Amanita muscaria growing im my yard, sorry just kidding it is make of clay

*Don't forget to share youe suggestions that either did you liked it or not. Actually this morning like always I went out for like each Friday for the search of Fungus but didn't found anywhere and on returning I found some growing on the way so I've captured them I hope you would live them.

Nature is amazing and I was astonished by the symmetrical shape of this mushroom.

Inkcaps are getting darker and darker with the increase of heat in the summer

This one is the shot of the day for me as well as the assembled group is so awesome. I will end this post witha question that which one did you liked natural or handmade and should I make more crafts like these.


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You are very creative, and you have excellent hands, you have molded a beautiful mushroom dear friend @mojiko-blog
What a beautiful species of mushrooms you have found, I appreciate you sharing with us.
Have a beautiful afternoon

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The little clay guy is adorable!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Awww so cute. 😊